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Good For You- Selena Gomez

Aron pinned her arms behind her back with one hand, using the other to gently brush hair out of her face. His ice cold eyes burning into hers, he brought his lips to her neck, delicately brushing them across her skin. She could hear her own heartbeat, drumming under her skin, and felt him smile darkly into her neck. He inhaled against her flesh.

"Mmm.." he growled.

His free hand running a finger down her abdomen, she shuddered. His hand wandered lower, just grazing the button of her jeans.

And she woke up.

It was 11 AM and she laid in her own bed. Her bedroom window revealed a gray, rainy sky outside. The house was empty, any odd noises echoing under the high ceilings. She stared at her ceiling fan go round and round, recounting the dream.

It felt so real.

All Eve wanted was to make the dream a reality. And knowing that she probably could truly did not help the temptation.

She decided to get up and make some hot cider. Laying on her couch, she bundled up under her favorite plush blanket, which was a burnt orange color. Orange pumpkin string lights glowed above her TV. She flipped through Hulu trying to find something for background noise. Finally, she settled on As Above, So Below, one of her favorite movies.

She took this opportunity to Google the band and read their lyrics. Intrigued, she wanted to learn as much as she could. It would be less she'd have to ask. Going over the lyrics, Eve found them beautiful. Complex, yet open enough to be interpreted in a variety of different ways. She began researching the band's lore, heavily intrigued by the deity known as "Sleep".

Being a practicing witch herself, she was determined to decipher just which deity that may be. Hypnos was the first to immediately come to mind. The Roman God of eternal sleep.. The son of both death and night. This made perfect sense to Eve. The album "One" had poppies on the cover, and Hypnos' symbolic flower was a Poppy. In detective mode, she began piecing things together as if it were her job.

The hot cider burned her mouth, but she found solace in the peacefulness of this moment. Of her own company.


A: How'd you sleep?

She laughed at the irony.

E: Like a baby. And yourself?

A: Up all night.

E: Why? Do I make you that nervous?

A: You wish.

She sighed. Either this was going to turn out to be months of just hooking up, or it would quickly fizzle out. Eve wasn't sure she wanted either one. But there was no way any guy that spoke to her like this had any intentions of actually wanting to be with her. Not a chance. Her body type alone would prove this relationship to be futile. She had extremely large hips, large breasts, broad shoulders, thick thighs, and a belly. Why would he be interested in seeing her naked when there were so many women who had a more "appealing" body type? Slimmer? One he could easily pick up and throw around?

She was stumped, but remembered just how his eyes lingered over her body the first night they met. How he took his time taking in the sight of her. Slowly.. Ingesting it. As if he was just as taken aback by his attraction to her as she was of him. Even Freya said it was obvious. This was clearly just a self-esteem issue Eve had, and she'd admit this to herself.

Eve spent the rest of the afternoon doing chores around the house, straightening and tidying. It gave her time to process her own thoughts. Why was she so drawn to Aron? It was magnetic. And Desmond... ugh, she didn't even want to think about that. The draw she felt to Desmond was almost disturbing, as if it were against her will.

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