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Desire- Meg Myers

Eve and Freya formed a game plan. They were scheming.. but all in good fun. And it helped them both break out of their shell a bit. Eve was helping Freya formulate a plan to come clean to Camren and confess her feelings for him.

Eve knew this was going to be reciprocated by him. It was so painfully obvious to not only Eve, but everyone else in the group. Yet, Freya had it in her mind that she'd be rejected and doomed to be Camren's friend forever. Not possible, if you asked Eve. The way his eyes lit up at even the MENTION of Freya's name proved it wrong. She'd grown to love Camren like a brother at this point, and it only felt right for him to finally be with Freya. They were already making each other so happy, but just couldn't see it themselves.

Reversed, Freya offered to help Eve get things going with Desmond. They both knew with his stoic nature he'd take his sweet time, and Eve was already impatient. The hole that Aron left in her chest has to be filled. Both lust and adoration had taken her over, churning her insides with anticipation.

Freya would keep Liam and Camren away from the house for the majority of the night. Aron was still MIA, but hadn't been seen at the house for quite awhile. The odds of him stopping by were slim. Before Desmond would arrive home from recording, Eve would slip into the house and wait for him to find her.. in his bed.

She was tired of waiting. She was tired of excuses and hold ups. It would be impossible to endure Desmond going at the same pace Aron did. Hopefully, when seeing how eager she was for him, he'd let himself give in. However.. Eve knew there was a lot at stake by doing this. It could go wrong in many different ways. Aron could potentially stop at the house on a whim, Desmond could freak out and reject her, or... or. She had to stop her anxious train of thought before she'd scare herself out of it.

Eve walked through the mall, alone, with a fire in her step. She headed toward the nearest store that carried plus size lingerie. Usually she was never this bold, but something compelled her to do this. As if some unseen force was controlling her body as she made her way into the boutique.

Eve stared at the display mannequins and frowned. She hadn't thought this far. What was Desmond's favorite color? He seemed to wear neutral tones a lot, but.. black lingerie was too boring for Eve's tastes. At least for this occasion. Pink? No.. that didn't really fit Desmond's vibe, either.

Her eyes wandered over to a wide hipped mannequin wearing a dark red bodysuit. It was strappy with an underwire cup. Lace covered the breast area and a harness wove its way up the chest and collarbones. Red mesh covered the abdomen and pelvic area, turning into a thong on the backside. And to top it off, the harness on the chest connected to garter straps that wrapped around each thigh. She'd pair this with black stockings.

It screamed softness with an edge to it. Sexy but beautiful at the same time. Red seemed to be more of a Desmond color, and Vessel's mask flashed in her mind. White, black and red.. that was Vessel. It made sense why she associated Desmond with red. Her stomach lurched at the thought of Vessel, the excitement and lust bubbling inside her.

She quickly found her size and nearly ran into the dressing room. The second she adjusted the straps and placed everything correctly, she looked in the mirror and gasped.

She no longer saw Eve, the scared and anxious woman she thought herself to be. But instead, she saw a confident and powerful woman. She couldn't help but look at her own body in adoration, feeling her confidence rise each millisecond.

Her eyes slowly traveled down her breasts, to her curvy hips, to her large thighs.. A wide smile stretched across her lips and she felt butterflies in her stomach. Yeah.. this is what she was going to wear. This is what would finally bring them together. She had a pair of heels that would go perfectly with this outfit and she smirked as she changed back into her day clothes.

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