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Starry Eyes- Cigarettes After Sex

Eve's hands were in a flurry, making drinks behind the bar for the lunch rush. She'd picked up a day shift since she'd been bored out of her mind lately. Either bored or depressed. Neither state was too comfortable for her.

Another week had passed, and Aron was pretty much MIA at this point. He'd occasionally send a text or respond to something Eve had texted him prior, but he dodged all of her questions. The last time she'd seen him, he'd gone into protective mode once he found out Desmond upset her. So why was he being so distant? He'd reassured her that night and was his ever-loving self. None of it made sense to her. It was like a switch had been flipped and she truly did not know who this Aron was. She missed him deeply, just wanting to be in his sturdy, inked arms or in his bed with him... where everything felt right.

She asked Camren and Liam if they'd seen him around, or how he was doing, but they both always had a similar answer... just a shrug and a "not much". They'd never go into detail on their recent encounters with him, clearly keeping something from her. Camren always avoided eye contact with her when she asked, quickly dodging it and trying to change the subject as fast as he could.

Eve wasn't stupid. She knew this was the end of her and Aron. But dammit, he could at least man up and tell her himself. He knew where she lived. Hell, even a text would suffice at this point. Then again... how do you break up with someone who you were never officially dating anyways? She just hoped he was okay. Honestly, she couldn't bring herself to officially accept it. She wanted to talk to him about so many things.

First, apologize for being so distant those few days when she went off grid, and tell him she didn't mean to make him worry so much. She also toyed with telling him about what happened with Desmond. The idea of them not being an official couple kept popping up, truly, she didn't owe him loyalty.. but knew if it were reversed, she'd be heartbroken. Guilt and butterflies filled her in equal amounts.

Her and Desmond hadn't spoken since that day and it made her head spin. But god, had she been thinking about him. It was obvious to her that if Desmond weren't around, the sting from Aron would hurt so much worse. There was no denying her feelings for him.

The hours ticked by, finally reaching the end of her shift. The sun had already set, daylight savings plunging the world into darkness even earlier now. As she flung her bag over her shoulder while walking out of the building, her phone buzzed in her back pocket. Her fingers prompted the screen to light up, and she read Aron's name. Her heart leaped.

A: [sent attachment]

Intrigued, she opened the message. As she sat in her car, she realized just what was happening.

It was a link to a song. Aron sometimes communicated through songs to her. Sometimes he'd send her cutesy love songs, other times he'd send goofy songs to put a smile on her face. But this was different.

"Run Free" by Asking Alexandria.

The song assaulted her Jeep's speakers. She knew what it was going to be already. The chorus hit her like a brick wall, confirming her worst fear.

"Open your heart, open your mind to a new world, to a new world
Spread out your wings and learn to fly to a new world, to a new world"

It was his goodbye.

She sat in her car with the engine running, alone in the parking lot. Tears welled in her eyes, sadness choking her. The confirmation started to set in. What was once a looming thought, a possibility in her mind, had now become a actual thing.

She quickly typed.

E: No.

Her phone rejected the message, her screen reading:

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