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Make Me Bad- KoRn

Eve sat on the porch swing outside, hot chocolate steaming in her hands. The outdoor porch wrapped around the house and Eve often bundled up on the porch swing. This light dusting of initial snow wasn't going to stop her.

A thick blanket was wrapped around her, thickly knit mittens on her hands and a hat on her head. She wore her fuzzy winter coat and had her legs curled up next to her on the swing. The soft wind rocked it back and forth as she sat and reflected. Oddly, it was one of her favorite things to do. A perfect way to unwind and distance herself from the whirlwind of emotions happening between everyone inside. She realized that simply doing nothing was actually one of her favorite things to do, ironically. It was relaxing.

The countryside was beautiful. A small pond lie on the plot next to their house, and the winter season made it even more beautiful. Frost decorated the icy surface and the ice was translucent, gorgeous patterns reflected off the filmy top in a rainbow sheen. It reminded Eve of a kaleidoscope. Sun occasionally peeked through the heavy clouds above and made the pond's surface glimmer.

A thick tree line sat right behind the pond. Pines dotted the skyline, covered in snow. Looking out at them, Eve realized it was time to put a Yule/Christmas tree up. She made a mental note to do that very soon and lit up at the idea of decorating the house for the holidays with her new family.

She took a sip of her hot chocolate and savored the sweet taste. She felt so at peace, felt as if no one could take her serenity away from her out here. It was just her, the wind, occasional flurries, the beautiful landscape, and her hot drink. It was hard to not notice how far away the next house down the road was.. it was at least a half mile. It didn't seem too far in theory, but coming from the city, Eve felt it was far. Yet she loved it. It felt freer out here. Like she could breathe.

Sometimes she brought a book out here. Other times, she just curled up under her weighted blanket and napped. Today, she just sat in thought.

The others were all inside, of course Aron was still off doing his own thing. The morning had consisted of excitement, their management label had reached out to them overnight and asked if they'd like to do a pop-up show that evening. Apparently, a local band dropped off a bill and their label thought it would be a perfect opportunity for Sleep Token to fill in since they were in the area. And it was a perfect opportunity. It was a Whitechapel show with a few openers sprinkled on. Their label knew the Whitechapel fanbase would enjoy the heavier parts of Sleep Token.

The logistics were smoothed out, they'd reached out to Aron as well and he agreed to play it. Eve didn't necessarily feel nervous about seeing him again, but she did contemplate on attending entirely. Something just felt.. off. She couldn't explain it and had no idea what it was, but she felt as if something big was going to happen that night. Good or bad.. she couldn't tell.

Camren had already whipped up a breakfast, he'd prepared French toast and fruit today. Eve and Freya ate quickly, as usual, he'd always made sure they ate three meals a day. Eve had never been so properly fed in her entire life. For the past year or so, her breakfasts were usually gas station coffee and a candy bar or quick donut, as much as she'd hate to admit. She never put much thought into the food that went into her body. Camren spoiled the girls with an ever-changing rotation of breakfast foods. She was shocked he came up with so many different combinations, that there was that amount of variety in the breakfast category. Eve laughed to herself. Leave it to Camren to find a way.

Mid-thought, the front door flew open. Freya and Liam exited, Freya flashing Eve a bright smile.

"Running errands. You need anything, babes?"

"No, I'm okay. Be safe."

They got into Liam's car and pulled out of the driveway, leaving the porch quiet once more. Eve had just settled back into her zone when the front door opened again. This time, Camren walked out. He gave Eve a soft wave and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket before nodding toward the open spot on the swing.

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