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Dial Tone- Catch Your Breath

Eve woke to bumps in the house a few hours later. The oil lamp on Desmond's bedside table flickered and shadows danced on the walls around her. The curtains were pulled shut again and the room was empty, Eve being completely alone. Her stomach gnawed at her, prompting her to roll up to sit and put Desmond's clothes back on.

She knew she should be packing overnight bags at this point. But, not packing a bag meant she always had a reason to go home. On the few days she spent at home throughout each week, she did her house chores and cuddled Percy. Sometimes she'd grab lunch with her mom or sister. They always asked if she was seeing anyone, to which she always lied and said no.

She didn't mislead them for any other reason other than simplicity. How the hell would she begin to explain things? Eve wasn't able to tell them the entire truth, anyways. This just made it easier. And hell, she had no idea if Desmond or Aron would even be willing to meet a family member of hers. The entire thing was so messy and she had all she could do to keep her own head on straight. So, keeping them at a comfortable distance it was.

Eve heard several more thumps as she pulled clothes onto her body. More specifically, she heard thumping of footsteps up and down the stairs along with muffled talking. The voices were goofing off and laughing together, two men...

She stood up and walked closer to the door. The voices belonged to none other than Liam and.. Aron. Her eyes narrowed before her hand wrapped around the brass doorknob. She pulled the door open. Light aggressively greeted her irises as she adjusted to the hallway. The door to the room Aron used to stay in was open and the voices made their way into it. Liam suddenly popped out, turning down the steps in a small gallop, and then came out.. Aron.

He looked at her with amused eyes. A shit-eating smirk crept across his face and he nodded at her in greeting before winking and following Liam down the stairs.

The fuck was THAT about?

She found Desmond and Camren downstairs on the couch playing video games. Instantly, she could tell that Desmond was trying to distract himself from something. Even though they were playing, the vibe in the room was definitely not as light and fun as it normally would be.

Eve's stomach growled loudly and she made her way to the kitchen, where she found Freya halfway in the fridge. Bent at the waist, she rifled through the drawers and moved large containers of juices aside to peek behind them. She sighed in frustration and closed the door, turning around and jumping when she saw Eve standing there.

"Oh my god, you're always so quiet! Like a damn ninja!"

"Sorry," Eve laughed and began to play with her own hair. Her silky black hair slipped around an index finger.

"I'm starving, are you hungry?" Freya looked at her with hopeful eyes, which made Eve laugh once more. She looked so desperate.

"Yeah, I am actually."

Freya crept closer to Eve and lowered her voice to just above a whisper.

"I love Camren to pieces, I really do, but.. he only gets healthy stuff on grocery trips. I'm craving something unhealthy. Like maybe... Taco Bell?"

Eve's eyes lit up in response.

They both laughed at this, having both experienced unhealthy cravings and being met with superfoods in the fridge.

"Maybe I can sneak a doordash orde-"

"We can hear you," Desmond drawled from the living room.

Both girls cracked up hard at this, picturing the men's faces as they listened to their scheming. It wasn't that funny, but both girls were soon doubled over and hitting each other softly, wheezing for breath as they giggled. They soon started to laugh at each other's cackles. They'd both caught the giggles and couldn't shake them.

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