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Call Me- In This Moment

The next morning, Eve and Freya woke to an empty hotel room.

At first, they thought maybe all of the men had just stepped out for a cigarette at the same time. That idea was squashed quickly when Freya checked her phone.

Aron: Sorry to leave you both, but we didn't want to wake you. We're recording today, had to get to the studio right when they opened. We need as much time as we can get.. Liam likes to stall.

She was disappointed. Even though it was silly, she'd hoped to maybe get breakfast as a group together.

They both put their shoes on, grabbed their purses, and headed to the parking lot. A light layer of dewy frost blanketed her car, cold from the October air. Eve noticed a bright white square tucked under her windshield wiper.

Are you fucking joking? A ticket? I'm literally in a parking lot!

She grabbed it as Freya got in the passenger seat. Flipping it over, Eve read a small message. It was a phone number, and underneath it was one letter.. A.


Butterflies filled her stomach once more, but she decided she wasn't going to text him right away. That's exactly what he wanted. She was going to make him wait.. play the game right back.

Eve and Freya decided they were going to take advantage of their off day together by having a girls' day. They made their way to the nearest mall, King's Grove Plaza.

The two found themselves at the food court right away, hangovers almost paralyzing them with hunger. They each grabbed food; Freya bought an Asian dish and Eve decided on Pizza. Sitting at a table in the food court, the conversation immediately shifted to the night before.

Freya definitely felt a connection with Camren. This was super obvious to Eve. He was sweet and soft, this was something Freya had always gone for in guys. She also found Liam to be super charming, and this made Eve laugh. But as goofy as Liam was, he too seemed like a nice guy.

Eve shared her interest in Desmond's appearance. She wasn't sure how she'd tell Freya that she liked her cousin. Throughout the conversation, Freya's phone lit up repeatedly, each time displaying Aron's name. Eve felt an intense urge to take advantage of the note, to text him. Eventually, she let it slip to Freya. Freya seemed unphased, surprising Eve.

"Girl, I know you so well. I was drunk, yeah, but he looked at you like you were something to eat. And I can tell when you're interested in a guy."

Eve's cheeks burned.


She picked up a pepperoni and chewed it, feeling about as red as the pepperoni herself. Freya laughed.

"We've been friends for over 10 years.. I know you better than you think," she paused. "And, no.. I don't mind. You're both adults and can do as you please." She shrugged.

"I was under the impression they'd only be playing a show here, but I guess they're staying nearby to record a new album. So they may be here awhile."

Eve felt cleansed with relief. It was quickly replaced with an intense amount of gratitude for their friendship. Her heart glowed with love for her friend.

"Soooo, does that mean I text him then? Because he gave me his number."

Freya made a face, poking her noodles with the chopsticks in between her fingers.

"Um, no? You make that motherfucker WAIT."

They both laughed, eventually making their way into several stores throughout the mall. The girls stopped at Sephora, fawning over the different perfumes that were way too expensive.

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