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Turning Page- Sleeping At Last

Why the hell did Freya always have to be right?

Eve stared at her living room ceiling. A movie blared from the TV on the wall. It was habit to check her phone periodically; for the past few months, her phone would always have a notification from either Aron or Desmond upon each glance. That was quickly no longer a reality since she'd blocked them both. It hurt to do. Her heart sank in her stomach as she stared at either contact for about ten minutes. Her fingers flipped between the two, studying the contact photos.

Aron's contact photo was a selfie he'd taken of both him and her. Aron wore a beaming smile as Eve sat on his lap and kissed his cheek. He had his arms wrapped around her. Eve looked back on the exact moment the photo was taken- she had no recollection of it at the time, but she remembered the pure bliss she felt in her chest while kissing Aron. In the moments following, he kissed her on the lips and locked his arms around her before tickling her sides, making her shriek with joy and squirm to get out of his grasp. She failed, inevitably, and Eve could still hear Aron's laughter ringing in her ears as she studied the screen.

Desmond's contact photo was a black and white still of him playing the piano in his room. Sunlight peeked in through his curtains and his head was bent down, feeling the vibrations through the keys. His dark brown hair was tousled perfectly as his long fingers glided over the ivory. Eve remembered this moment as well.. It was taken when she woke up one morning. She woke to the soft sound of piano notes filling the room, before getting up and sneaking a photo of Desmond in action. He had no idea she took it. And for some reason, she held it even closer to her heart because of that. The photo captured him in his raw beauty, no posing, no tweaking the "feel" of the frame. Just.. him.

But she had to do it in order to heal... in order to move on. She cried as she hit the "block" button on both. Desmond didn't have social media, so that was their only point of contact. Aron, however, also had an Instagram, which Eve had to block as well. She looked at his posts one more time before pulling the trigger. Pictures of the night life, shows they'd played, selfies with stage techs, pictures of the streets in the UK, selfies with Freya, and.. her. Selfies of them together. A photo of her browsing the flowers in the garden section on a recent shopping trip. She felt her stomach lurch and nausea crept up her throat as she hit "block". Camren and Liam followed immediately after. If she was going to cut a couple out of her life, she had to cut them all out.

Fast forward to now.

Her fingers tapped on the backside of the TV remote, closing her eyes and listening to the orchestra play dramatic music in the horror movie on screen. She extended her arm out and clicked the power button.

Eve felt defeated. She was literally going to have to build from the ground up. To completely start over.

What was my life like before I met any of them? She asked herself.

Honestly.. fucking boring.

It was just work and sleep, aside from the times she was lucky to hang out with Freya. Rinse and repeat. She occasionally saw her family and sometimes wandered around the shopping malls by herself. The truth was.. she was a pretty lonely person. She never tried to put herself out there and make friends, her social anxiety usually crippled her into a corner. That's why meeting the men was so interesting to her. She was absolutely terrified to do it, but the second they met, she just knew it was going to be.. different. They gave her a different feeling than usual. And boy.. "different" sure summed up their relationship with her.

If she was going to find a new daily routine, she needed to just start doing things to keep her mind busy. She sprung up and grabbed her car keys before slipping out of the door and into her jeep.

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