The Red

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If I Was Your Vampire- Marilyn Manson

She woke to Aron giving her a soft kiss on the forehead and shaking her gently.


She groggily came to, not realizing she'd fallen asleep in the first place.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"No, it's more than okay, baby. You needed rest." He smirked, playing with a lock of her long hair.

She giggled.

"Yeah, I guess I did, didn't I?"

The smell of his bed overwhelmed her. It was a mixture of laundry detergent, spicy cologne and.. him. She couldn't quite explain how he smelled, but it quickly became one of her favorite scents.

Eve got out of bed and stretched, her muscles quickly greeting her with soreness.

"Oh my god, I'm sore!"

He was behind her quickly, rubbing her hips with his hands.

"And that was just a taste." He kissed her neck.

"Mmm." She closed her eyes.

"Let's head downstairs. The boys are ordering dinner."

She slipped on the leggings she was wearing earlier, still wearing Aron's oversized Sleep Token shirt. Making their way downstairs, she padded behind Aron down the steps.

Liam, Camren, Desmond, and Freya sat on the couches, playing video games. She had no idea that Freya would be here. All of them turned to look at the two coming downstairs at the same time. It was very obvious what they'd done, given Eve's hair was messy and she was wearing a shirt that clearly wasn't hers. She stopped, red as a cherry. Aron laughed, proud of himself. She swore she saw him puff out his chest.

"Busteddddd!" Liam cracked.

Freya raised her eyebrows, shooting a "girl I know you didn't" look to Eve. Eve made a "whoops" expression and shrugged. Freya laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Well, at least you're over the awkward ice breakers," Camren mused.

"Oh, far past that, mate!" Liam laughed again.

"Hey! You've just shot me!" Camren looked at Freya in shock. He pointed at the TV, where his player lie under a red banner.

"You looked away while the match was still going. It was a fair shot," she playfully answered, throwing her hands in the air.

Eve picked up on a look the two shared.

Hmmmm. That looks familiar.

Aron sat next to Liam, Eve going to sit next to Freya.

"So... You ladies are probably hungry?" Desmond's deep voice finally filled the air. The four men looked at the girls, as if they were the ones deciding if the group ate or not.

Freya and Eve looked at each other.

"I could eat." Eve answered with a shrug.

"Do either of you know a good place here in town?"

The logistics were figured out, and soon they had Chinese food arriving at the door. The smell made Eve's stomach rumble, not realizing how starved she was until now.

The six grabbed their appropriate containers and headed to the couch, turning on some goofy movie from the 2000's. Eve couldn't remember the name. She often looked over at Aron from across the room, and he'd meet her eyes with either a subtle wink or smile. Occasionally, while looking at Aron, she'd catch Desmond staring at her from her peripheral.

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