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Angels- The xx

Desmond's sleek grey Mercedes drove down the highway, passing cars left and right. It seemed like an unspoken goal of Desmond's to make the car match his natural speed. The backseat was empty, only Eve and Desmond occupied the front half of the car while Bon Iver crooned from the car speakers. It didn't match the pace of the car, but Desmond seemed consumed with the song, lost in another world, perhaps.

The moments after their entanglement were.. awkward. No one really knew what to say. Tension still hung in the air between everyone, yet a huge step had been made in an opposite direction. It almost made the entire situation more confusing for all.

Desmond untied Aron silently, and with a quickness, Aron blurred up the basement steps. The front door slammed behind him immediately, causing the house to rattle. Eve had forgotten, but Aron drove his own car to the birthday party, meaning he was driving alone to the show that evening. A wave of relief washed over her when she realized the three wouldn't be alone in the car for the next hour.

After he left, Aron sat behind the wheel, making his way to James's house for a change of clothes. He sobbed to himself as he felt a million different emotions. Happiness, for being able to reconnect with Eve; embarrassment, from what just occurred and a twinge of curiosity. But above all, anger bubbled in his chest. He was most comfortable sitting in anger, it was the one emotion he could externalize with ease. He was always too embarrassed to show sadness, had too much pride to show vulnerability. He'd only ever done that with Eve. And even though he reconnected with her, she wasn't his.

Aron left both Eve and Desmond alone in the basement, and Eve had no idea what to say. For once, neither did Desmond. He didn't expect to enjoy seeing Aron so helpless and desperate like that. It opened up a whole new can of worms for all three of them.

Eve was pressed about the time as the two flew down the highway. She kept glancing at both her phone and the clock on the dash. They were already about an hour and a half past the first opener, and they still had an hour's drive. Desmond predicted they'd make it just in time for In This Moment. Freya kept blowing up Eve's phone with a flurry of texts and calls, poking Eve's anxiety. Finally, she answered her.

E: On our way. Sorry, something came up. About an hour out.


F: WHAT?!?! Omg you're going to miss all of the openers?!

Eve groaned softly and put her head in between her hands. Desmond glanced at her.

"Hm? Freya's frustrated?"

"Yes.." Eve replied.

"Don't worry, I'll smooth it all over when we get there. Unless I just tell her the real reason why we're late."

Eve's stomach flipped at his sarcasm.

"Ugh, oh god no."

He laughed under his breath.

Eve was so content with Desmond, but she needed Aron, too. She hated that she couldn't pick, not that they were asking her to.. but she knew eventually that day would come. Deep down, it was obvious she loved them both. But her brain couldn't comprehend that. Her mind was a whirlwind, various forms of "is that even possible?" clouding her subconscious.

Eventually, they pulled up to the venue. Parking was an absolute nightmare, Desmond muttering curses as the car swiveled around the block looking for an open spot. Finally, they made their way into the building and up the brick stairs. There was no live music being played, just the sound of the crowd talking loudly and music playing on a PA. Eve signed with relief, arriving in between bands would be seamless.

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