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Romance- Varials

Eve woke alone the next morning.

She was in her own bed again, ruminating over the night before. Her orange cat, Percy, jumped up next to her, purring and nudging her hand. He chirped while staring her down.

"Yes, I'll feed you, goof."

He meowed.

"A gentleman is but a patient wolf."

Those words plagued her mind over and over, taunting and teasing.

Aron had taken her back home soon after Camren had interrupted them. Things weren't awkward between the two, if anything, they both found it funny. The look of pure shock on Camren's face quickly became an inside joke between Aron and Eve.


A: Good morning, love. Come over?

She set her phone down for a few minutes while cutting up wet food for Percy, the cat nudging her legs and chirping loudly.


A: Don't make me beg.

E: Okay. Give me an hour.


A message from Freya.

F: Hey! How did last night go?

E: It was nice. He's really sweet.

F: He better be!

She wasn't sure what Aron had in mind for the day. It was rainy again, the cool October wind blowing around. She threw on a black HIM hoodie. It was one of her favorites, with a bright pink heartagram on the back. She paired it with solid black leggings and white Docs. A beanie was added to the outfit. It looked chilly outside today.

She drove her black Jeep down the same winding roads Aron had taken the night before. Pulling up to the house, she took in the sight of it. It looked way different in the daylight.

The house was large and made of stone. It was old, obviously built in the late 1800's/early 1900's based on the design. There was a very "homey" element to it, shutters on the windows and a large wooden porch wrapping around the front.

Freshly potted plants were placed intently on the porch, and Eve wondered who was responsible for that. Probably Camren. He seemed like the kind of guy to spruce his living space up. The thought of Camren made her smile.. She could tell he was such a sweet person. She hoped Freya and Camren would hit it off eventually, picturing them being good together.

She locked her car and made her way up to the front door. Before she could even knock, the door flew open.

"Eve?!" Liam yelled, his long limbs excitedly flew into the air, then wrapped around her.


Aron appeared at the door, looking very annoyed with Liam's enthusiasm.

"Hello love," he smiled and pulled her in for a kiss right away, which shocked not only Eve, but Liam. She saw his eyes widen and he laughed.

"Bloody 'ell, seems you two have made on quite well with each other."

He shut the door and she followed the boys into the living room. It smelled heavily of incense, with a faint herby smell mixed in.

There were scattered attempts at decorations on the walls. Luggage bags still laid around the house, along with the random amps and cords. A bright green bass, she assumed to be Liam's, sat on the couch. He'd obviously been playing and had just set it down to answer the door. A random game show played on the large TV, although the sound was muted. Eve wasn't sure what to expect their living quarters to be like, but she thought it would be a little more exciting. It didn't feel much like a home.

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