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In Normal Ways- Gia Margaret

Eve sat on her couch, hot drink in hand and remote in the other. She felt like was all she'd been doing lately. The thought of a walk crossed her mind, but quickly left as it was bitterly cold outside. Yet, she was in much better spirits today.

The Office played on her large flat screen, Michael Scott doing some stupid impression of another character. This was her comfort show. Easy enough to have on as background noise, yet entertaining enough when she wanted to pay attention. She always thought she wanted a Jim to her Pam, but their relationship didn't seem too perfect? either. She couldn't help but notice how Desmond and Stanley had a similar grumpiness, and she cracked herself up, bursting with giggles that made Percy look at her in confusion.

She thought of Desmond but quickly tried to replace him with something else. While she wasn't as hurt anymore, she didn't want to focus on him too much. She missed Aron. He hadn't texted her much this morning. She wondered what he was doing, because obviously he wasn't asleep. Then she reminded herself that it wasn't any of her business, truly, her and Aron weren't even an official couple. As stubborn as it might make her, she'd never bend and ask a man to be her partner. Call her old-fashioned. She would always, always wait until they asked. And... if they didn't? Clearly they didn't want it enough. She was holding out to see how long it would take Aron. It felt as if it were coming soon, but.. just how soon? They'd been intimate for a decent chunk of time now, and yet.. nothing. The thought annoyed her and she lifted her phone to open Candy Crush.

A knock on her front door commanded her attention. Excitement filled her chest, she knew it must be Aron. She looked forward to greeting him positively, there had been so much negativity lately that she felt butterflies at the thought of his face. Percy quickly ran, scurrying under the couch as Eve hopped up and danced to the front door on her tiptoes basically.

She hummed as she unlocked the old chain and opened the door, a smile wide on her lips. But her eyes didn't meet Aron's. Not Aron's ice blue eyes, but a deeper blue. Her smile immediately fell from her lips as Desmond stood at her doormat. Slight fear rose in her stomach seeing him outside her door. Instantly, she slammed the door shut as he raised his hand in a casual wave. She whipped around and put her back to the door, processing the sight with wide eyes. Blinking, she tried to make sense of the man on the other side of the wooden slab. Why the hell was he here?

"Eve.." his smooth, deep voice said.

It still gave her chills when he said her name, almost factory resetting her brain for a split second.

"Please open the door." He said it slowly, as if he had to think about every word.

She huffed. He really thought he could just show up at her house uninvited, and demand to be let in? Although she realized she'd just done the same to him the other day. Did Aron know he was here? If he did, why didn't he give her a heads up that Desmond was stopping by? Sighing heavily, she called out.

"What do you want?"

He stood in silence for a moment.

"To talk."

If it wasn't so shocking, she knew she'd be very annoyed.

Was he here to kill her? The thought made her heart race. Although at this point, she decided, fuck it.

She opened the door and scowled up at him. He had his large, pale hands down in front of him, rubbing them together slowly. It almost seemed like a self-soothing action. Was he.. nervous?

His light sweater outlined broad shoulders, and he matched this with dark jeans. Out of all the men, Desmond was always the most... polished. Aron preferred to dress in solid black, all the time. Desmond was always in neutral or pale colors, and almost always in a long sleeved top with pants. While he clearly wasn't afraid of wearing black, he opted to mix it with lighter colors, also.

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