Chapter 18: Meant to be together...

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As soon as Naina saw Riya, she went towards her.

Naina- Where's Komal?? IS SHE OKAY? Was it a major accident?? Where is she right now???

Riya- N...Naina... Naina calm down. And listen to me !!

Naina- Please say what it is, I'm really scared.

Riya- First promise me ! You won't be mad.

Naina- Riya, just say it...

Riya- Actually Naina, no such thing like Komal's accident has happened. It was our plan to bring you out of that prison-like house.

Naina- Our...?? What do you mean?

A voice came from behind-

"She did it because I told her to" !

Naina though low-key recognised the voice, but to confirm, she immediately turned back, and yes it was none other than Atharva. Ofcourse, how could Naina forget that 'nuisance'.

Soon after him, rest of his friends showed up there too.

Atharva stepped towards Naina.

It felt so dreamy to him. This was the first time where he met Naina, with eyes full of love for her, rather than being annoyed of each other. As those previous encounters were quite chaotic.

With every step he was taking, he could feel his heartbeat getting faster.
Everything arround him got blurred.
All he could see was Naina.
Those beautiful eyes, her long-thick black hairs, her lips which were looking so soft like petals.

The feeling of being in love for the first time, is indeed special. Thats too, when you want to spend all your life with them.

(Background music- for imagination)

Now he was standing right in front of Naina.

Naina crossed her arms and looked into his eyes furiously.

Yet, Atharva's eyes were totally filled with love and he couldn't help but showed slightest smile.

Naina- Oh so it was you ! May I please know the reason Mr. ...!!

Atharva- Atharva. My parents had really given me a beautiful name. You can call me by that.

Naina- Okay so Mr. Atharva... What this time??

Atharva- Offo Naina (acts dramatically). Why are you always in so much hurry? Let's sit somewhere and talk.

Naina- With you? Huh... No ways !!

Atharva- And why do you think I am going to ask for your permission? If I can make you come to this place, I can surely make you sit as well. (smiling)


He took out a small rope from his car and binded it around Naina's waist, making sure his hand doesn't touch her. As touching someone without their permission has always felt bad in his eyes.

So, after binding the rope around her waist, he held it from other end by his shoulder and dragged her to the spot they have reserved for this whole thing. Naina was obviously less in strength with him, hence she couldn't oppose for long.

There he pulled back the chair and made her sit on it. And then he kneeled down in front of Naina and slowly removed the rope from around her waist.

After removing it, he kept it on side and held both his ears with his hands as a gesture to say sorry for doing this to her.

Naina shifted her gaze from him.

Atharva continued sitting on his knees and looking at Naina, his love.

Naina- Now may I please know what is going on here with you all?

Atharva- You know what Naina, I realised it lately that 'life is upredictable'.

-You may like one thing at a point, and may dislike it the next moment.

-You may be fond of something, and it may fade away from your eyes.

-You may not like someone while meeting them for the first time, and the next moment...YOU MAY FALL FOR THEM.

After saying this he paused for a few seconds, as all of sudden, his heart skipped a beat remembering the love he is carrying in his heart for Naina.
Then, bringing himself back to senses he furthur said.

Atharva- Isn't it strange?

Naina- And why do I need to listen all of this, wasting my time upon you?

Atharva- Nainaaaa... don't get so impatient.

Atharva furthur continues saying.

Atharva- You know I have checked my horoscope today. And it says that soon The 'love of my life' will be sitting in front of me and I will propose her. I will confess her how much I love her. That, how she has now become my 'Jeene ki wajah'(reason to be alive).

Naina- (Confused and annoyed at the same time) And how does this concern me?

Atharva (his facial expression got serious just within a moment, as it was the time for finally saying it)-Because, it is about you.

Naina didn't understood at first.

Atharva- I LOVE YOU NAINA !!

Naina suddenly stood up from her seat, and got little panicked upon hearing this. She was too numb for some time, to say anything.

Atharva kept saying furthur.

Atharva- I know what thoughts must be going on in your mind. But trust me Naina, it's true. I REALLY LOVE YOU.

Now when I think of it, i realise that it was all destined. We were meant to be together, Naina.

We were "Destined by the Stars...!"

You know Naina, I often heard people saying that," Our soul recognises our love, much before our mind ever could". And now I can say, that the saying is actually true.

From the day I saw you, my soul surrendered itself to you. Now, I'm only yours Naina. WILL YOU BE MINE?

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