22 Caseys secrets

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I woke up this morning to a text message from Casey.

"My mom has filled me in on a lot of the details about my family. Apparently, we have a lot of family secrets. I really want to catch you up on everything soon. When can we talk?"

"I'm free this evening." I replied.

I got up and got dressed for the day. Then I spent most of the morning talking with Hunter and Sage about the upcoming trip to New York.

We were going to be leaving in 3 days. I was very excited. I had never been out of this town. I had no idea what to expect.

At around 5:00 that evening, Casey showed up to get me. We were going to go to dinner at the Cumberland Grill just like old times.

With so much going on the last couple of months, we had hardly no time to spend with each other. I really missed her. I know she was excited to tell me everything that was going on with her family.

I also needed to fill her in on everything since our last visit together. When we got to the grill, we took our usual seats.

Casey began to tell me all the things her mother had told her.

Apparently, they were from a long line of witches, and most of them don't get their powers until around the age of 16.

That is why she was suddenly starting to see that she could do things with her mind. Her mother had a large spell book that she had started teaching her spells from. Casey was so excited to show me some of the new things she had learned.

I went on to tell her about Sage. And about the trip to New York. And how excited I was to have more family. There were some details I had left out the first time I explained everything to Casey. So this time, I told her everything about my mother and the witch that killed her. I left out the name for now.

I told her about how Josie and Hunter were trying to figure out how to break this curse. Casey offered to help any way she could.

After we were done talking, we hugged each other and started our drive back to the house.

"What was the name of the witch that killed your mother?"

I thought for a moment before telling her. "Addison Layton." I replied.

Casey slammed on the brakes to the car.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to kill us!" I yelled.

"In the spell book that my mother gave me in the back of it is a family tree. Addison Layton is listed as one of my cousins. She is my mother's aunt's daughter. So she is my mother's first cousin. Her and I would be second cousins. I swear to you, Katie. I had no idea about any of this. I am nothing like her. I would never hurt you."

I gave her a hug and told her, "Don't worry, I absolutely believed you." Casey had been my best friend for years. We were closer than friends. We were like sisters.

"I swear I'm going to help you anyway I can. If it means to lure out this Addison Layton and kill her to save you and this baby, that's exactly what I'm going to do. After all, I'm sure I'm going to be the godmother, so this child's just as much mine as it is yours." She replied with a chuckle.

"Absolutely Casey, you would be my first choice as godmother." I replied.

We both wiped away tears. We had been crying this whole time. Then Casey resumed the drive back to the house.

Once we got there, we both went in together so that we could explain everything we had just found out to Hunter and Sage.

There were more people there than we expected. Hunter, sage, Kevin, Sarah, Josey, and Rick. They were all there. So we got to explain everything to everyone. Which was great because I really did not want to have to go over all this more than once .

At first, the two of us talked so fast and at the same time. Sage said, "Slow down, girls, one of you at a time."

Hunter said, "Take a breath and then speak."

Finally, I began and explained everything up to the point where Casey slammed on the brakes.

Then Casey picked up from there and explained everything else. Afterwards, Casey left.

Later that night, Hunter and I were laying in bed together. I was just about to doze off when I heard. "Do you really believe that you can trust Casey that much."

My reply back was, "With my life." Then sleep overtook me.

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