2 Trouble again

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"Hey there, Katie." Casey, come running down the hall at school to me. She seemed excited to tell me something.

"Hey Casey, what's up?" she ran so fast she was nearly out of breath.

Overhead, I heard the bell ring.

"Crap, we're going to be late!" I said.

Casey asked me to meet her at the Hightop Grill after school so we could talk.

"Yes," I yelled.  As I  was running away to class. I couldn't wait for school to be over.

Casey had seemed so excited to tell me something. I wonder what it could be?

Finally, the bell rang. I left school and headed for the Grill.

I got our usual booth in the corner. While waiting for Casey. 

She came in late as usual. "You'll never guess what I got for us today?"

"What's that?" I ask.

She handed me an ID with my picture on it. I read over it. Suddenly, I was 21 years old. 5 years older than I actually was. It was a fake ID. "Omg, Casey, I've been dying for one of these!" I exclaimed.

"We have to try them out tonight!" replied Casey excitedly.

I thought for a moment. "Why not? It is Friday night." I replied

For the rest of our time at the grill, we discussed sneaking out together. We made a pretty good plan so that we wouldn't get caught.

"Tonight we're adults! We are going to do it all!" exclaimed Casey.

Once I got home, I got everything in order to sneak out. I rolled up a giant blanket and put it under my quilt on my bed. So it looked like I was lying there. I had an old doll that looked like me. I stuck its hair out of the top of the blanket. That way, if my Nana peaked in, she would think I was in bed.

Then I flipped on my computer and went through different pictures of women out on the town. That way, I would know how to dress and look for tonight.

After several hours, I was dressed and ready to go.

Everything should work out perfectly.

As I was getting ready, I took a look in the mirror. I felt like I still looked to young for this to work. "Oh well, this will have to do." I muttered.

Casey always tells me I overthink everything. She says I'm beautiful and can easily pass for an adult. I think she's the crazy one.

All I see is plain. My hair may be long, but it just hangs straight and lifeless down my back, and it is brown. Who wants brown hair? I prefer Caseys shoulder lenth blond curls. For tonight, I decided to curl it as well. Maybe give a little bit of life to it.

Now, what to do with these eyes. My eyes were a shade of light green. I didn't like them at all. My favorite is bright blue, which is what my nanas are. But no, I'm stuck with these grass colored eyes.

The only thing I had going for me right now was a little bit of a tan from where the summer had just ended. Casey says I'm always way too hard on myself. She doesn't understand why I don't consider myself beautiful.

I finally found some gold eyeshadow that I thought made my eyes shine just a little. Then I quickly went through my closet and found a long black dress with a split up the side. I tossed it on and grabbed some gold heels. I carried the heels in my hands as I went out the bedroom window and climbed down the trellis. Dress and all. Man, it was difficult.

I found Casey parked in her car one block down from my house. Just as we had planned.

"It's about time!" she shouted out the window. "Oh! You're gorgeous tonight!" She exclaimed.

"Shut up, liar!" I replied.

I was so nervous when we got to the club. I thought I would faint. I just knew there was no way that the security guard at the door was going to believe I was 21.

When I looked in the mirror, everything about me screamed teenager.

We waited through the long line, and once it was our turn, the guard took my ID. He fumbled it around in his hands for several minutes, staring at it. Finally handing it back to me.

"Go on in." he said and gave me a wink as I walked past.

"Thank you." I said back to him. Although I didn't quite understand the wink. Possibly, he knew I was underage and let me in anyway.

As soon as we walked in, Casey eyed some guy on the dance floor that she knew. She went straight up and tapped him on the shoulder. Pulling him away from the girl he was dancing with. She began to dance with him instead. Of course, leaving me alone right off the bat.

I walked over to the bar and got a seat.

"What can I get for you?" the bartender asked.

I thought for several seconds and shouted out the first drink I could think of "sex on the beach, please." I heard it on some movie.

He looked puzzled and giggled a little. It wasn't just a few minutes he brought me one back. Maybe that wasn't the right choice. I thought to myself.

As I was thinking of a lot of things. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. Listening to the music and dreaming of a day when I would actually be grown.

Maybe I wouldn't feel so out of place. I wouldn't have to worry about people realizing I was underage. And I could get out of this little town. Without worrying about being cought.

In the back of my mind, I was terrified that someone was going to see me and tell Nana. Suddenly, I heard a very smooth sexy sounding voice in my ear.

"Dreaming of paradise beautiful?" He asked. I quickly looked over at him.

He had to be the hottest guy I've ever seen. He had dark black hair. It was kind of shaggy in a sexy way. And the prettiest sparkling blue eyes I've ever seen. I could get lost in those eyes, and they were looking straight at me.

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