16 Hunter POV

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Hunter pov

Once I got there, I could hear Caitlin and her grandmother arguing all the way outside. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A pleasant looking woman answered. She was maybe two inches taller than Caitlin. Which wasn't very tall. She had long gray hair. Which nearly touched her butt. I'm assuming she's not too old judging by the few wrinkles. Or at least she takes very good care of herself. And has some features very similar to Caitlin. I can see where she gets her looks. Her mother must have looked an awful lot like the grandmother. The main difference was the grandmother had bright blue eyes. Caitlin had a sparkling shade of light green.

"Hello, Mr. Rosemont. I would like to say it's nice to meet you. However, under the circumstances, I think not. I've never invited anything supernatural into my home before. But given how twisted this past month has been, come on in any way." She said not really so invitingly.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Brioche. I know this isn't an ideal circumstance. However,  I would love the opportunity to talk to you and explain myself a little." I walked in behind her and followed her into the kitchen.

She motioned for me to have a seat at the bar.

"I've asked Caitlin to remain upstairs while we talk. I need to talk to you and get information about what has happened. Lord knows Caitlin is not going to tell me the truth. She's not very good at that. She never has been." She said.

You're telling me. I thought to myself. After all, I thought she was an adult this entire time.

I spoke, "I definitely understand that. You go first."

"Mr. Rosemont, I'm not sure how much Caitlin has told you about our family. I'm assuming enough to make you aware that you were the father of this child. The one thing that I truly believe my granddaughter about is that she was a virgin when she slept with you."

I cut her off. "I do believe the virgin part, but how can we all be sure that she hasn't slept with somebody else since then to get pregnant. My goal is to find out about this curse and to help her stop it. If it is real. But pardon me if I can't just take your word for it."

She looked shocked for a moment. "Mr. Rosemont, if you don't believe the child is even yours, then why are you going to the extent of asking her to live with you."

I started to answer that question but was cut off before I could get a word out.

"I do believe she has not been with anyone else since. Because since the date that she told me the two of you went out of town together, she has hardly left this house. Other than to go to school. I know for a fact she's not sneaking out at night because I started taking her keys. Also, I can hear her crying in her bedroom at night. I went in to comfort her a few times. But she's a very independent girl and just said she'll be fine and shews me away. She tells me that you believe you can keep her safe. And you want her to come live with you."

"Yes," I replied. "I know that I can keep her safe. The fact is, even if the child isn't mine, I would like to help her. On the chance that it is, I don't want to be that person that wasn't there."

"Caitlin has also told me that you didn't even know she was underage. I'm guessing you know very little about her at all. Do you realize that you will not only be raising a child when this baby comes but will also be finishing raising Caitlin?" She looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Honestly, I do believe Caitlin is pretty much grown. She was woman enough to get into that club. She was woman enough to go out with me that evening. And she's going to be woman enough to be a mother. How much more raising could she need?" I said while smirking at the grandmother.

A small smile started in the corner of her mouth. I could see she was holding back laughter for some reason.

"Oh, Mr. Rosemont you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Caitlin is a pretty good girl when it comes to boys. I'm guessing she's mostly been afraid of them because of the absence of her own father. But when it comes to sneaking around, lying and getting herself into trouble. She's pretty good at that." She revealed.

"I think I can tame her." I said. After all, I've been with her a few times now, and she hasn't seemed so bad.

"We will see about that. Maybe if you can keep her away from Casey." She was starting to look defeated. "I'm guessing that Caitlin didn't tell you anything about her father, did she?" She asked.

"No, she did not." I replied.

"Well, I'll leave that to her then. That's her secret to tell, not mine." She said while looking at me with a thoughtful stare.

I thought that was an odd statement.

"So, Mr. Rosemont, you did not give me an answer. What makes you think that you can keep her safer than me?" She asked with a half grin on her face.

Well, at the risk of sounding like a complete asshole. I replied. "Your daughter. You didn't exactly protect her. Did you?"

The grandmother looked shocked. She stumbled with her words for a few moments. And looked on the verge of tears. I instantly regretted what I said. However, I had to convince her to let Caitlin go with me.

When she gained her composure. She sighed and took a long, deep breath.

"This is what Caitlin wants. She has begged me all morning. Make no mistake that if this wasn't what she wanted, she would not be going. You are right, though. I was able to keep Caitlin alive this long and hidden. However, my daughter Leona, I was not. So because of that, and the fact that I do believe you'll keep her safe. Yes, I'll let her go."

I was shocked that she allowed it. However, I guess she couldn't argue with the fact that she let her own daughter die.

She yelled up the stairs for Katie to come down.

She walked down the stairs with a suitcase in both hands. She must have known that her grandmother would cave and say yes. She looked at me smiling. "I'm ready to go."

I smiled back at her. Went over and took her suitcases, and headed out to the car. While she said her goodbyes to her grandmother.

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