27 sightseeing

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Sage is flying back in today. I was excited to see him again. It had been almost a month since the last time I saw him.

Josie and Casey sit down with sage and go over the plan to kill Addison.

So here's the plan. Starts Josie, "We are going to lure Addison back to Cumberland. We are using Casey's family connection to her to get her back here. Casey and I have teamed up and worked out a spell that we believe will allow us to kill Addison. It does take the two of us. The more whiches that do this, the better. Since the two of us have trained together, we have a connection. Once we get Addison back here, we are going to get her over here to the house and trick her. We truly believe the two of us together will be strong enough to kill her.

Sage steps away to make a phone call. He told us that he was going to have both of his brothers come here. He felt the more hands that we had the better.

By the next evening Paul and Michael both arrived. I hug them both, telling them I was so happy to see them.

"It is great to see you, Katie." Michael said.

"We have to all spend the day together. It's been so long, and we have missed you so much." Said Paul.

"I would love to spend the day with all of you. You guys plan the day, and we will go out." I replied eagerly.

"Just let us get settled in and situated for the night, and then tomorrow we'll all get up and spend the day together." Michael said. With a huge grin on his face.

"Sounds great!" I was excited. I was so happy to get to spend the day with them. I had missed them all so much.

When I woke up the next morning. I could smell breakfast cooking. I walked downstairs to find Sage had cooked a very large breakfast. I sat down with all three of them, and we ate together.

Hunter had decided to give me some time alone with them, so he was spending the day with Kevin and Sarah.

We all got ready for the day. Then we all piled into one car and went out. Sage had decided that it would be a good idea to show me around the town. And show me all of the places that they grew up. To give me some idea of what this place looked like back when they were young.

The first stop that we made was near the lake. It was a small hike around the lake, and on the back side of it, there was a cave. I had lived here my whole life and had been to this lake many times . I had no idea that this cave was there.

Sage, paul, and Michael took turns talking about this cave. They explained to me that they had actually grown up living in this cave. There were not a lot of houses in the town. And because their mother was a witch, most of the town's people were afraid of her. So it was easier for them to live away from everyone and stick to themselves.

They showed me the spot where their father was buried. And explain to me that after their mother had sacrificed him, the Three Brothers took the body to another spot near the lake and buried him there. I noticed there was a large Stone Place like a headstone for him. I would have never known that this was a grave if they had not told me. The way the stone sat there, it looked like it was meant to be there.

On our next stop, they decided to go into the town. They took me over to the library. They told me that it used to be the center of the town. They explained there was a lot of trading that went on during that time, so the streets were usually lined with vendors selling fruit and various items. Their family would come into town throughout the week and trade or buy Goods from the merchants. That's the way life worked back then.

While we were there, I decided it would be a good time to visit the library. I hadn't thought about it up to this point. The library contained all of the local yearbooks from schools in our town. All of this sightseeing and going over childhood past made me think of my mother. I really wanted to see pictures of her when she was younger. Sage loved the idea he really cared a lot about my mother. He was all for looking at the yearbooks.

We all entered the library. We found the yearbook section. And then we did the math together to figure up what years my mother would have been attending. We each grabbed books from those years. And we sat down and started going through them together.

In the book that I was going through. I not only found pictures of my mother but I also saw pictures of Addison. Which was amazing. I had wondered since this whole thing started what she looked like. There were lots of group pictures. I saw several with the two of them together. I realized how much it must have hurt my mother to have found out that her best friend secretly hated her and wanted her dead.

I decided to check out this library book and take it home with me. I wanted to make copies of some of the pictures so I would have them. I also wanted to show everyone else the pictures of Addison. That way, they would know what she looked like if they came across her or seen her out.

We all did a little bit more sightseeing after we left the library. Then we all had dinner together. We laughed, and we talked and got reacquainted with each other. I love these three men so much.

When we returned home, everyone was there. I set them all down with the yearbook and showed them all the pictures. They were all just as happy as I was to finally put a face with a name.

We all felt ready to carry out this plan.

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