6 Hunter POV

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Hunter pov

Caitlin is all I've been able to think about for days. I had to know this girl. I had to know why I couldn't persuade her to leave with me.

She had no clue I persuaded her friend that night. I was able to find out her phone number from her. Maybe I'll give her a call later.

I followed her all weekend. I needed to know her. I wanted her in every way. I had never been turned down before. Other than Sara. I hadn't thought of her in days. I was feeling almost hypnotized by this new girl. She has been all I could think about.

On Monday, I followed her. She went to the high school. "Is she a teacher there?" I wondered.

I waited until 3:00 p.m. and when the bell rang, she walked side by side with her friend Casey. Were they both teachers?

I approached her. She almost looked scared to death. "Well, hello there, gorgeous." I said teasingly.

"Hello back at you." She snidely replied. "Are you following me now, stalker?"

"I just happened to be passing by, and there you were." I lied. "Are you just getting off work?"

"Yes." she replied. While looking puzzled.

Now's as good a time as any.

"I was thinking of going for a drive and getting away for a while. Do you want to go hang out for a while, maybe get to know one another?" I hoped she would say yes.

She gave her friend a look that screamed, "Should I?"

Those green eyes turned to me. "Sure, if you promise not to be some psycho stalker who's going to try to kill me."

"Scouts, honor," I replied.

"Ok, let's go," she said. While jumping in the passenger side of my car.

I thought long and hard about where to go. Finally, a perfect spot popped into my head. I took her to Lake George. It was a short drive just outside of town.

I couldn't stop watching her the whole drive there. She had the window down, and her long hair blew in the wind. She saw a pair of extra sunglasses I had setting in the console of my car and threw them on. God, it was hard to control myself. I wanted to taste her blood so badly. It was killing me.

She wore a pair of short black cotton shorts. And a Metallica tee-shirt. I thought it was an odd choice for a teacher.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her. While trying to drive at the same time, I found this really difficult.

We talked along the way. Mostly, I asked questions, and she answered. It was really one-sided.  She tried to look confident, but I picked up a tiny bit of nervousness.

She said she was 21. She had just started teaching this year. I couldn't help but think she was searching for answers. I wasn't sure she was telling the truth.

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