14 Surprise

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What could he possibly have to say after accusing me of being a slut. I mean he didn't exactly call me that but it is what he was insinuating.

He looked pale as a ghost I wonder if he heard what I was telling Rick.
I would have told him if he had given me the opportunity before he shot all his nasty words at me.

I debated for over a week if I was even going to tell him. Then after he reacted like this, I'm not sure now that I even want him to know. If only I could stop all these tears and just be stronger.

"Look I don't know how this is possible?" He began. I heard everything you said to Rick and if it is a possibility, of course I will be there for you. I've been around a very long time. At first I wanted children badly. However I had come to grips with the fact that I would never have them. For it to be a possibility now is completely baffling to me. You told me you were an adult. I had no way of knowing any different."

I cut him off "I never told you anything you assumed." I spat at him.

"You're right about that." He said. "I assumed when I saw you at the bar that you were over 21. Then when I saw you at the school I assumed you were a teacher. I do believe those are both natural assumptions given the circumstances. Don't you?" He asked.

"Yes" I said quietly. listening to him.

"We can get to the bottom of this curse and find out for sure what happened. We can also figure out a way to end the curse for you. After all, if it's real, it will be passed down to this baby. At least if it's a girl. I heard you telling Rick that it was dangerous. There was a witch that killed your mother because she knew of the curse. I will do everything I can to find this witch and make sure that she is nowhere near you or the child. Also, there's one danger that I'm sure you didn't think of. If other vampires find out that you can have a child for them, there's going to be a lot of them after you. Most vampires are not so nice."  He said.

I thought hard on this for a moment. I know the color had to have drained out of my face. I felt like there was a rock in my chest it was hard to breathe. Oh my God, I never even thought about other vampires. This was horrible. Of course, they would be searching for me if they knew I was out there. What was I going to do?

"From the way you talked about your grandmother, I believe she would want to do anything she could to keep you safe. The best solution for that would be for you to move in here with me. That way, I can watch over you until we find out all the information about this curse. Also, if we can end it."

Move in here. This is crazy. I thought to myself. The more I thought about it, the more it actually sounds like a good idea. Right now, I don't feel safe, and I know that I have a baby to take care of on the way. Not just myself now. It really is time for me to grow up. Ready or not.

Plus, I would be completely grown. No one to answer to anymore. Exactly what I wanted. Right?

"Maybe I should." I said. looking at him.

He got my hand and had me stand up out of the car. From the moment he took my hand lightning shot all through my body.

When I stood, he was over a foot taller than me. I was a little short. He put his hands in my hair and leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. A long kiss.

If we weren't outside, and I wasn't going through so much, I swear I would have melted in his arms. His kisses trailed over near my ear. I tensed a little bit remembering the bite from last time. But instead of a bite this time, he whispered into my ear.

"No matter what, I'll be here for you. I'll do everything I can to take care of you both." I wondered why. Especially if he didn't really believe the child was his.

Then, he was quiet for a second. He pulled away. Oh my God, I can hear it! He exclaimed.

He dropped to his knees and put his head against my lower stomach he looked up at me. I looked a little shocked back at him. I can hear its heartbeat.

I was just as shocked as he was. I knew vampires had excellent hearing. I didn't know it was that good.

unexpected loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora