10 regret

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Once we pulled up at my house, he tried to stop me from getting out.

"Wait, please, I want to explain." Before he could say anything else, I ran into the house. He didn't follow. He sped off in his car instead.

Good nana wasn't at home yet. I ran upstairs to shower all the evidence of tonight's crime off my skin. I realized watching the water go down the shower drain. We didn't use protection. I started to panic. I jumped out of the shower and got dressed.

I quickly ran to the computer to try to do some more research. I read lots of information, most things nana had already told me. The one thing I was searching for I finally came across. Vampires could not reproduce. At least according to folklore. I prayed that was correct information. But at least for now, I felt safe.

I went on to bed. I could hardly sleep, remembering his touch. My body, for some reason, longed for him to touch me again.

I was still so angry that he bit me. I just don't know if I ever want to see him again. I finally drifted off to sleep thinking of his face. His beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't get that vision out of my head no matter how hard I tried. I was so conflicted.

When I woke up, I was so sore I could barely walk. Unfortunately, he was not gentle at all. Judging by the pain, I would say I was pretty bruised up.

I made my way to the bathroom.  I put makeup on the bite marks and quickly threw on some jeans and a tee shirt. Threw my hair in a messy bun and ran out the door. I was in no mood to dress up this morning.

Casey was in the driveway laying on the horn. Just as I stepped out the door. "Come on, slow poke, we're going to be late." I hopped in her car and headed to school.

On the way, I told Casey all about what happened yesterday. Minus the vampire part. I just told her it ended super awkward. I didn't think I was going to talk to him again.

"Oh yeah, baby girl, love them and leave them. That's what I say." Casey obviously never had a serious relationship.

We got to school and rushed to class. My first period was Rick Monty's class. Of course I was late. I rushed into class and popped into my seat. "Thank you, Miss Brioche, for gracing us with your presence." Mr. Monty said in a reprimanding tone.

"I'm sorry I tried to hurry!" I explained.

"Next time, hurry faster." Turning back to the chalkboard to write. Luckily, he must have been feeling generous today. Normally, he would have given me detention.

As the bell rang to go to the next class he asked me to come to his desk. He wanted to know what was up with me lately. I had been late to his class several times in the last few weeks, and also, I had been daydreaming a lot.

I couldn't tell him it was because Casey made me late all the time. Or was constantly talking me into going out with her at night. She was my best friend. I wasn't getting her in trouble too.

"It's just been a busy time for me lately. I'm sorry. I'll work on it." Was the only excuse I could muster.

He told me he would appreciate it and sent me on to my next class.

I made it through the day and headed to Casey's car to go home. My phone rang. It was a Hunter.

I decided to answer. "What do you want?" I said.

"Please don't hang up. I really want to explain." He begged.

"Look, Hunter, it was a one-night stand. Don't worry about it. Just forget about me and move on."

" Done!" he shouted and hung up the phone.

An instant wave of guilt passed through me. We hardly knew one another. Why did I feel like this? I honestly didn't want a relationship. I just wanted to have fun and not feel like a child any longer.

The only thing I knew for sure was that I made up my mind. I never wanted to see or talk to Hunter Rosemont again.

If he was going to bite me like that, then he was obviously dangerous, and I just did not think that I wanted to deal with something that scary right now.

I wanted to focus on getting out of this town. I didn't want something or someone tying me to it.

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