34 Epilog

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We have been staying at the new house for about a week. I woke up and got out of bed that morning, and there was a puddle of water surrounding me on the bed.

"Hunter!" I yelled. "It's time!"

Hunter and all three men came running in the door at the same time. They were literally tripping over one another to get through the door frame. Even though I was in slight discomfort, I still managed to laugh at them.

It was a little bit of a drive from our house to the hospital, so the guys had actually planned for a midwife to come to our house and deliver the baby. They had even purchased a smaller house fairly close to ours for the midwife. That way, if they ever needed her to come, she would be able to. Even after the baby is born without us having to take her to a doctor or hospital.

Sage grabbed the phone and called the midwife. The guys had set up a bed for me to deliver the baby on in a small room downstairs that used to be the office. They actually turned it more into a delivery room it looked more like something out of a hospital.

Hunter helped me down to the room, and I went ahead and put on a gown and got into the bed. The pain was slowly starting to get stronger.

Hunter started to time my contractions, but they were all over the place, five minutes apart, then ten, then two, then ten minutes apart. Around 1 p.m., the midwife arrived.

By the time the midwife had gotten there
I was in tears, from the pain but also from fear of what was to come.

I had begun to have contractions one after the other with barely a break in between. They were very strong, and Tammy, the midwife, told us, "Be prepared, things may move very quickly!" And boy did they!

My contractions were so intense that I couldn’t find any position that helped with the pain. I started to feel pressure and thought I had to go to the bathroom. I told Hunter to leave the room, but Tammy came rushing in and told me that was the baby and I needed to be checked. She checked me and said, "Yes, it’s time to push."

Sage and the other guys waited out in another room.

Hunter was up by my head and held onto my hand. The rest happened so fast. She told me to push, and when I did, her little head came right out! I could barely hear them talking to me, I yelled out from the pain and lunged forward. I heard them tell me to push again, and when I did, my baby girl came flying out!

After that, we just relaxed in the bed together. Hunter joined us. There was a thunderstorm, and it was so nice to just lay there, enjoying our baby, and listening to the rain. Tammy did what she needed to do, but I kept my sweet baby on me the whole time.

Sage, michael, and Paul all came in to see the baby after we were cleaned up. They were also happy to see our beautiful bundle of joy. We took a few moments alone with just the guys visiting her. And then we did a video call to all of our friends and family. They were also happy to finally see her.

"Welcome to the world, Miss Alicia Leona Rosemont. My wonderful baby girl, I swear you will never have to grow up with a life shrouded in mystery. I will make sure from the time you're old enough to understand that you know everything about this world that you're growing up in. Mommy and Daddy love you so much." I told my sweet baby just before dozing off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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