18 Hunter POV

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Hunter pov

"Congratulations" was the last thing I heard Josey say.

The breath had been knocked out of me at that moment.

I only partially believed Caitlin hadn't slept with somebody else after me. Now it was confirmed.

Kevin came and sat down by me. "Look, man, I know you're shocked right now. You'll get through this. You know we're all going to be here for you. We're all going to help any way we can. I know my niece or nephew is going to be spoiled rotten." He took a breath and sighed.

"Can you imagine what that poor girl upstairs is feeling right now?" Sara asked.

"Let me jump in here." Rick said. "Caitlin has been one of my students for a while now. Her mother died when she was born. And her father ran out as soon he found out about her. She was getting into a lot of trouble last year. So I had a conference with her grandmother." Rick walked closer to me and continued.

"Her grandmother told me she's never really had any friends.  She was home schooled all through elementary school. She had a hard time fitting into her junior high. Then, when she met her friend Casey, things changed for her. Caitlin is terrified of losing Casey. And going back to having no one. So she does anything Casey asks. She's a good girl, but a desperate girl. She is desperate for a family, for friends, for all the things she thinks she missed out on. My guess Hunter is that she slept with you looking for a way out. But remember when you're dealing with her that she's not an adult. She may look and at times talk like one, but she's not. She's still a young girl with so much to learn."

Rick was right. "I really need to talk to her." I headed upstairs.

She had her door cracked open. I peeked in. She was laying sideways on her bed rubbing her stomach. "Don't worry, little one. Mommy will always be here for you."

I lightly knocked at the door and stepped on in. She sat up quickly. I saw tears on her cheeks.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask.

"It's a free country, isn't it?  Apparently, people do things around here without asking anyway." She shot back.

Man, this girl could be a smart ass sometimes. I thought to myself.

"Katie, I had to be sure. I've been around a very long time. 250 years, to be exact. I've seen a lot of tricks be pulled. I'm sorry I couldn't just take your word for it."

She sat there for a moment quietly.

"Look, I had time to think about all this and process it before I told you. I understand that you had to know for sure. I also understand if you need time to decide what you want to do. I'm the one that has to deal with this, not you. You don't have to be a part..." I cut her off by putting a finger to her lip.

"I don't need to think at all. I have always wanted children. I just never thought it was possible.  Nothing could keep me from this baby. I'm going to be the best father you've ever seen." I embrassed her for a hug.

She cried tears of happiness on my shoulder.

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