17 Untrustworthy

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I was lost in my thoughts on the drive to the Rosemonts house. Part of me wanted to run back to Nana's and stay a child forever. The other part longed to be a woman. I wanted to make my own decisions and have no one bossing me around.

"Penny, for your thoughts." I heard Hunter say.

"Oh, I just have a lot on my mind." I replied.

I felt Hunter's eyes on me the whole drive. I don't know how we made it in one piece. I don't think he ever looked at the road.

Once we pulled up to the house, he came around and opened my door.

"Welcome home." He said. With a strong hint of happiness to his voice.

We walked inside together. He showed me to my room and then carried up my bags. I sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to return.

"If you see you forgot anything, we can get it from your grandmother's another time." He said. Setting my bags on the floor.

Then he came over and took a seat by me on the bed.

"I have to ask you something?" he said. Looking me straight in the eyes.

The way he was glaring into my soul, I swear I probably would have told him anything.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin that day at the lake?"

Of course, he had to ask me that.

"Because I didn't want you to know how old I was. That would have been an instant giveaway." I looked closely back at him.

"If I would have told you, you never would have gone through with it. You would have run for the hills. Ever since I turned fourteen, I have dreamed of growing up and leaving this town. I have had such a hard time here. I'm constantly reminded of my mother's death. Every where I turn, I can't escape it." I sighed.

"That day was a huge step in the process of adulthood. I just never dreamed I would get nocked up the first time."

He chuckled a little. "Well, you sure have the mouth of a teenager, that's for sure."

I rolled my eyes, stood up, and started unpacking.

He got up and started out the door. He turned and said. "I would have been way more gentle if I knew. I wasn't easy on you at all. I'm sure I put you in a lot of pain." He smiled slightly. "But at least you got your wish. You're officially a woman now."  He had such a smug tone sometimes.

He went on out the door. Just to peek his head back in a second later.

"When you're done unpacking, come on downstairs. I'll introduce you to Kevin and Sara." He said. Leaving me to finish unpacking.

I could hear voices talking as I walked down the stairs. They got quiet when I walked into the room.

Hunter said "guys this is Caitlin. Most people call her katie."

I saw who I could only assume was his brother Kevin. Seated next to him was Sara. I was so envious of her. She was beautiful. Of course, Hunter kept looking at her. I'm sure he thought so, too. A hint of jelousy shot through me. My teacher Mr. Monty was there, and a girl I didn't recognize.

"Alright, katie, time for introductions." He introduced Kevin and Sara. Kevin just gave me a slight smile and head nod. Sara said hi. Then he got to Mr. Monty. "Of course you know Rick."

"Glad to see you can be somewhere on time." He said and winked at me.

"Yeah, apparently, I have a nack for getting myself into trouble, Mr. Monty." I replied.

"Call me Rick when we're not in school. Seeing you here it hardly sounds right. Hunter and I have been friends for years so I'm sure you'll see me often."

"Sounds good." I replied. "Though you probably won't see me around school for a while. I'm going to finish the rest of the year doing homeschool online."

He smiled and nodded his head. I knew he understood my reasoning.

"Now last is Josey." Hunter said, motioning his hand to the girl I didn't recognize. "Josey is a witch. She's going to help us figure all this out."

Josey stood up and walked over to me.
"Can I see your hand for a minute?"

I caustiously handed her my hand. She quickly grabbed it and stuck my finger with a rather large needle.

"Ouch, what the hell?" I said. While jumping back.

She said "sorry" and walked back to her seat next to the table. She took out a candle and a picture of Hunter. She lit the candle. She started chanting something that sounded like latin to me. Then, she put the needle in the middle of the picture. As she was chanting, she took some cut hair pieces out of her pocket and dropped them on the picture. Everyone in the room was watching her.

I stepped closer to see what was happening. Watching in amazement.

The flame on the candle went out. Then, all the hair on the picture flew and attached themselves to the needle like a magnet.

She turned to Hunter. "It's true." she said. "Congratulations."

Hunter looked like he had been stabbed by a stake at that moment. I think he was completely in shock.

I realized what had just happened. Josey performed a spell to determine if Hunter really was the father.

"Yeah, I think I'll go back to my room now. If anyone else wishes to perform any experiments on me or my fetus, please ask next time." I shot Josey a mean glare and went back up the stairs rather quickly.

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