11 disappointment

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Three weeks had passed since my awkward encounter with Hunter. I hadn't seen him one time since the incident in the back of his car.

I woke up that morning feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom. I spent the whole morning puking. I must be getting a stomach bug. I thought to myself.

I brushed my teeth. I threw on jeans and a hoodie and flew out the door. Barely taking the time to even brush my hair.

I told Casey on the way to school what had happened that morning. "Oh my God! Are you preggers?" She exclaimed.

"No, there's no way." I replied. Although my period was late.

Of course, I was late to school again. Mr. Monty took one look at me and just shook his head. He didn't even bother to say anything this time.

I made it through the day. I started out to the car to go home. I saw Casey standing by her car with a big grin on her face. When I walked up, she was holding up a bag.

"Look at what I got, little momma!" she said. Holding up an EPT for me.

I thought, "This girl has gone crazy."

We got to my house and Nana was already gone for the evening. I decided what harm could come from doing the test. I decided to do it just to humor her. I knew it wasn't possible thanks to my research on the internet.

Casey handed me the box and jumped on the couch to watch TV. I headed up the stairs and to the bathroom.

I held the test in my hands, waiting for one line to show up. After all my partner was a vampire, it wasn't possible.

Suddenly, not one but two blue lines appeared. I frantically read the instructions on the box. I made sure I did the test correctly. There was a second test in the box. I quickly took it to make sure. Again, after waiting two blue lines.

"Oh my God, this can't be right!" I said out loud.

"Hurry up, Biotch." Casey yelled up the stairs. "The anticipation is killing me."

I walked down the stairs pale as a ghost. She looked up at me and rushed to my side.

I slumped down on the stairs and cried like a baby. Casey hugged me and tried to soothe me. "I was only joking. I really didn't think you were. I'm so sorry, Katie."

I don't know how much time had passed when I heard "Katie, I'm home." It was my nana. Oh my God, how was I going to tell her this?

Nana saw my face and rushed over to me. Panic in her eyes. I handed her the test. She sat down and cried along with me and Casey.

unexpected loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin