30 stalker

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Casey had finally met with Addison. The plan had been set into motion for taking Addison down.

Now that the plan was set, Casey and I decided to go out and spend the day together.

The first stop that Casey and I made was for breakfast. We stopped off at the hightop grill. The two of us got our usual seat.

While we were there, I noticed Addison walk in she set a few tables away from us. She sat there the entire time that we were having breakfast.

Casey and I pretended she was not there. We went on eating and carrying on our conversation.

Casey had told her when they met that I had no idea what she looked like. So this was our plan for the day. We were going to go out and act like nothing was going on, and Addison would follow us. That was the first step.

After we were finished with breakfast, we paid our server and left. Our next stop was at a baby store. The whole time we were there, I could see Addison. Periodically from the corner of my eye. She followed us all through the store. I still pretended like I had no clue she was there. Casey and I bought tons of baby stuff. Clothes and a bassinet.

"So bottles or the boob?" Ask Casey while laughing.

"I believe bottles. I don't think I'm going to be much into breastfeeding." I replied, laughing back. So we settled on a nice pack of bottles, and we added them to our cart.

After we were done checking out, one of the sale clerks loaded everything into our car for us.

We tried to act as natural as possible and carry on our conversations just as we would if Addison wasn't there.

Once we are back inside the car, I text Hunter. I let him know that our plan was going great so far. Addison had been following us all morning. I told him that we were going to stop one more place. That would give them all the time to set up the next step of our plan.

We went to a few more shops and then decided to go to dinner. We went to a local Italian restaurant. The two of us ordered fettuccine. We ate, and we talked just like it was old times and pretended nothing was different.

Afterward, we got back in the car and drove home. Where we could help the guys finish up. We had a few hours before the next step would go into motion.

Josie and Casey get the house set up to where they can perform their spell. They also get the barrier around the house so that once Addison gets in, she can't get back out. Caitlin decides to act normal just as they have planned. She goes upstairs to take a shower and to get into bed. Everyone else just acts normal.

Josie and Casey began work on the elements they needed for their spell. We decided that it would take place in my bedroom. It would be the easiest way to pretend nothing was going on and for me to be away from everyone else. We would be able to get her up there thinking that she was going to kill me and finish out the plan.

The first thing that the girls have to do is pour a salt barrier around the house. They used a spell to enchant the barrier so that Addison would not realize it was there. Once Addison makes her way into the house, she will be trapped and not be able to get back out.

When Casey had talked to Addison, she had told her the easiest way would be when I was alone. She told her that nearly every night, the guys would sit downstairs and play cards, and I would usually go on up to bed early, and that would be her best opportunity.

The girls also had to have a bucket of something they called Goldust. Because this had to be used along with another spell to immobilize addison. They needed to be able to get her not to move while they performed the last part of their spell that would kill her.

We did all of this in secret just in case Addison was lurking near the house and could see. We tried to make all of our actions look as normal as possible. That way, she would not pick up that we were trying to trick her.

All the guys sit down and started to play cards. I sat there with them for a little bit to make it look normal. After about their second hand I got up yawned like I was tired and went on upstairs to lay down. I stayed there in bed waiting on the next part of our plan.

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