Minho Imagine #1

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"Gally stop it!" you say still pinned at the lockers. You and Gally were friends but everything changed when you said you didn't like him back. He did everything to get you back.

You managed to break free from his grip and run as fast as you can but Gally was faster. Now was the time you wish there are many people at the corridors. Gally grabbed your wrist and make you face him. "Playing hard to get are we?" He says.

You feel tired, dizzy and light headed. Before he could do anything to you someone punched him. That was the last thing you saw before everything became black.

- Skip Time -

When you wake up you weren't at school anymore. You sit up and looked around. 'It doesn't even look familiar.' You thought.

When you were about to stand up someone opened the door you grab what ever thing is close to you and prepared to throw it until you saw that that someone is Minho. The realization hit you quickly. You're at Minho's house and this is his room.

"Why am I at your house?" you say. Minho doesn't invite and bring people to his house except if he have parties which is every friday and he never invited you so you've never been into one.

"You got a problem with that?" he says. You don't answer. "I know you've got a lot of questions. Go to the living room and I'll tell you what happened." with that he left the room.

You go to the bathroom and take a look at yourself. You opened the sink and put off your make up and combed your hair and when you were ready you came down to the living room.

When he noticed you he gestured for you to sit down. He told you everything that happened a while ago. You looked at the clock and saw that it's almost 10 o'clock and told him that you should go home. Good thing that you're parents are at a bussiness trip. He insisted on driving you back home.

When you were about to go in to your house he shouted "Friday. 8 pm" and drove away. You stand there in shock. You can't believe that Minho saved you, took you to his place, and invited you to his party. All the girls in school would give up everything just to be in your place. After a few minutes you go inside smiling.

The Maze Runner ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant