Newt Imagine #4

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You and Teresa are walking around the Glade and making dares like 'Hug the Glader closest to you except each other' or 'Yell Happy Birthday to a Glader that walk past you' but Teresa got a little too far

"Tell Newt he's hot and you like him then hug him."

"What Teresa?" You say

"Go on, if you don't do it I will." You feel yourself heat up. You walked over to Newt slowly.

"Newt," He turned around "Yes love?" He said

"You know you're very hot and I like you so much." You say as quick as you can

"What?" You're heart pounded like it wants to go out of your chest. You hugged him and after a few seconds he hugged you back. When he pulled away you run back to Teresa

"You're gonna pay for this." You say through gritted teeth, she just laughed

"If only you saw yourself and by the way you two are cute together. Why can't you just be a couple already." She said

"Don't ask me." You say

"Don't ask you? So I'm gonna ask Newt? And look he's staring at you." She said

"What? Where?" You look at Newt and he was staring at you. When he saw you he winked then turned away

"I'm so comimg over to him." You barely heard Teresa. You just got your senses back together when she starts walking over to Newt but it was too late. You run over to them just as Teresa said the last word. You curse under your breath then run to the Deadheads obviously red as a tomato. You were about to fall asleep but you hear leaves crunching.

'Maybe just a Glader passing by.' You thought but when it came to sight it was Teresa.

"What do you want?" You say without sarcasm as possible as you could

"Are you mad at me?" She sat down next to you

"What did you tell him?" You ask

"I told him what you said and told him it was a dare." You sigh in relief

"That's it? You didn't tell him that I like him? You didn't tell him what I said after I did the dare?" You asked

"Yes, no, and no. Why would I that? You're my best friend. And I want him to ask you out first." You hugged her and she hugged you back.

"Let's go back to the Glade?" She said when you pulled away

"I think I'm gonna stay here for a while." You say

"Okay, come back before dinner." She said before leaving. A few minutes pass by and you hear leaves crunching again.

"Hey Y/N, what are you doing at the Deadheads alone?" You hear a familiar voice say. And you realize that it's Newt. How could you forget his voice, well you know almost everyone's voice in the Glade but this one has the most effect on you.

'God what is with that voice, and hair, and eyes. Everything about him is perfect.' Newt snapped you out of your thoughts

"Hey Y/N, get back to reality." You got startled because he was directly in front of you

"Gosh Newt, why'd you have to do that?" He leaned and to your surprise he kissed you. It took a few seconds for you to process what just happened. When he pulled away you sat there staring at him, wishing for more

"I love how I effect on you. You're all tough and badass but when I come to you, you get all nervous." With that he left. You watched him leave while touching your lips, remember the touch of his lips to yours.

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