Thomas Imagine #4

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You're running with your boyfriend Thomas since he didn't want you to run alone. Just as you turned in the corner, you tripped

"Dammit." You say just as you fell down

"What happened?" He asked

"In the history of all Runners I'm the first one to trip. And my ankle hurts" You say

"And you insist on running alone. Can you walk?" He said. You tried to stand up but fell back again, good thing Thomas caught you

"There's no way we're gonna make it back in time." Thomas picked you up bridal style

"What are you doing Thomas?" You asked

"We gotta go, we're wasting daylight." And so you went. When you got back in the Glade Thomas laid you down on the ground

"Thomas where are you going?" You say

"I'm gonna get the med jacks." You waited for him to come back and when he did Clint and Jeff is with him. They examined your ankle then left

"Does it still hurt?" Thomas asked

"A little." You wince

"At least it's not broken. Do you think you could walk?" He asked

"I want to run tomorrow." You said

"The med jacks said you can't, I'll be okay but I'll miss you though. You have to rest. You can't even walk without stumbling let alone run." He kissed your temple and you manage to smile

"Was it really that bad?" He asked

"I fell and tripped a lot of times already but I don't know why this hurts so much. All of these falls are the same and they hurt the same but they're manageable except for this one." You say

"I'll carry you to the Homestead so you can rest, okay?" He said


Thomas picked you up bridal style and went to the Homestead. He laid you down on the bed and went to the door

"Where are you going?" You ask before he went outside

"Map Room." He said

"I forgot we need to go to the Map Room. I need to map out today's section." You try to stand up, wincing because of the pain

"No Y/N, stay here. I'll come back after, this'll be really quick." He picked you up and laid you on the bed

"I'll be right back." He whispered before leaving. You wait for a few minutes then the door opened

"I told you it'll be quick." He closed the door and lie down beside you

"It feels like I've been waiting for a day." You say

"That's because you have nothing to do. Does it still hurt? Is it still bleeding?" He said

"Hurts, a little. Bleeds, a little." You took a look at your ankle

"If we take the bandage off do you think it'll still bleed?" He asked


"I love you." He said

"Where did that come from?"

"I just want to say I love you. Is it bad?" He said

"I love you too." You look up at him. He pulled you closer to him if that's even possible.

"You know there's a lot of space in the bed." You say

"Stop ruining the moment." You chuckle.

"You know we could be like this forever." You say

"Don't you want to eat? Don't you want to breathe fresh air? Don't you want to get out of here?" He said

"Now look who's ruining the moment." Thomas was about to say something but Newt opened the door.

Newt saw the two of you then turned around

"No, Newt it's okay." You say before he closed the door. He went back inside

"It's dinner already and Alby wanted to ask if you're skipping dinner or if you're eating dinner outside or if you're eating dinner here." Newt said. Thomas looked at you

"We'll be eating dinner outside." You sit down and was about to stand up but Thomas carried you bridal style

"Thomas put me down, I can handle it. I have to make myself useful. I need to walk, maybe it'll heal quicker." You object but he doesn't let you go until both of you are sitting down

"I'll get your food and you stay right here. Don't want my girlfriend to get hurt." He winked before heading off. You sat there waiting for Thomas. Minho sat next to you

"How's your leg?" Before you could answer Thomas pushed Minho away\

"What's your problem?" Minho said

"I believe you're sitting on my seat." Thomas said

"You can sit on the other side."

"Just get out." Minho stood up and sat across from you

"What's his problem?" Minho said leaning in to whisper to you

"I can hear you." Thomas shot Minho a glare then started eating. You looked at him for a few seconds and started eating too. You stood up when you were finished and started limping to the Homestead. Thomas didn't notice at first but when he did he ran to you

"Y/N what are you doing? You'll hurt yourself." He said when he catched up to you which wasn't so hard

"I won't hurt myself. It'll heal faster this way. It doesn't even hurt that much anymore." You try to explain to him and he seemed to understand it because he let you walk with him by your side. When you opened the door Thomas picked you up and laid you on the bed

"I'm sorry for being overprotective, I just don't want you to get hurt." He said when he laid down beside you

"I know but you should know that I'll be fine, I'm tough maybe even tougher than you." He chuckled

"You should sleep." He pulled the blanket on both of you

"Goodnight Y/N, I love you so so much."

"I love you too." You mumbled then drifted off to sleep.

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