Thomas Imagine #5

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Your P.O.V.

You and Thomas got in a fight and the reason, jealousy. He got jealous because 'You don't spend time with him. You spend more time with Newt and Minho.'' which isn't true. You tried to explain to him but he didn't listen. It's been like that for two days already and you're getting tired of it. You asked Newt for advice and he just keeps saying the same thing 'Explain to him what really happened over and over until he understands.' And you also tried asking Minho but all he would say was 'Ask Newt.' And you did that all over for two days and as usual after he comes back you'll try again.

-Skip time-

"Thomas," you run to him after he comes out of the Map Room

"Wait up." You say panting, you weren't really into running.

"Hey Y/N." He said not bothering to look at you

"Thomas, come on I've been explaining for days now. Please forgive me, It isn't what it looks like." He doesn't respond and continued staring at a distance. You were curious at what he was looking so you looked behind you and saw Teresa waving at a distance so you waved back. Thomas pushed past you and headed towards Teresa. You curse under your breath as Thomas pulled Teresa for a hug. You run to them, not minding if you're not good at it or if you stumble, you just run

"What are you doing?" You half shouted

"We haven't broken up yet. What are you doing? And you," You point to Teresa

"You know I'm still with Thomas, you know that. I never liked you from the start, I never did." By now every Glader stopped to look at the three of you. You tried to slap her but she grabbed hold of your hand before you could. Teresa let go of your hand and before you knew it she slapped you. You held a hand to your cheek before shouting

"Slinthead." You slap her as hard as you can before stomping away to the Homestead tears streaming down your cheeks.

- Skip time -

Someone knocked on your door but you ignored it. You heard the door open and you peeked over your pillow. Newt.

"Y/N its dinner already, you have to eat."

"But I don't want to." You mumble

"But you have to." You heard feet shuffling and before you could protest Minho picked you up and went outside. All you could do was groan. Having dinner seeing Thomas with Teresa makes you lose your appetite but you forced yourself to eat anyways. You stood up to go back to the Homestead but watch as Newt approached Thomas, you shrug and went off.

Thomas' P.O.V.

I just finished eating and was about to stand up when suddenly Newt appeared behind me

"Uh...hey Newt." I say awkwardly

"Thomas we need to talk." He nod to the Deadheads. I follow him until he stopped and faced me

"So...what do you need to talk to me about."

"Well since you and Teresa are a thing now maybe I can date Y/N." That hit me hard. The thought of Newt being with Y/N hurt me so much, the thought of Y/N with someone else hurt me so much.

"Why are you asking me this?" I asked.

"Because you still haven't broke up with her and that's what hurt her the most, you still haven't broken up with her and now you have a relationship with Teresa. If you could only see what she's doing for the past few days. I could treat her better, I could treat her like a queen. You had a chance to love a very special girl and all you did was throw it away." Newt said with so much disgust and anger. I feel like anytime he would pin me to a tree and beat you up for what you've done.

'What have I done? Now I'm ashamed of myself for what I've done to her but I still love her, I still need her. Teresa was nothing compared to Y/N, I just used Teresa to make her jealous and now she's suffering because of me. I never loved Teresa, there's only one person I love and I broke her. What did I do?' I thought it all out

"I-I'm sorry Newt but I can't let you date her." Newt was surprised but he managed to speak

"W-why not?"

"I still love her, I'm sorry Newt I know this hurts you so much." He looked at the floor

"Okay I understand, but the next time you'll treat her wrong I'll beat you up. I don't care if I get banished because of that, I'll beat you up."

"Good that." Newt started walking away

"Wait," he turned

"Where did Y/N go?"

"I saw her going to the Homestead before we went here." He said, sadness and hurt obvious in his tone

"Thanks Newt." You give him a small smile before he disappeared in the darkness.

Your P.O.V.

Someone knocked at your door again

"I don't want to talk." It came out muffled because of the pillow covering your face. You heard the door open

"I said I don't-" you cut yourself off

"Why are you here Thomas? Gonna rant about how I shouldn't have done that to Teresa? Gonna break up with me? Gonna-" he cut you off

"I miss you Y/N." You blinked

"What?" He pulled you in for a hug and kissed you

"I missed you so much. I realized that I couldn't live without you. I realized that I still love you." He said when he pulled away. You hugged him again sobbing into his chest

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't know how horrible things were for you. I shouldn't have done that, please forgive me." You nod slightly. You laid down and he laid down with you and the both of you drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

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