Thomas Sangster Imagine #1

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You just came back to your dorm when Thomas called you. You put your bag down and answered it.

"Hey Y/N." You lie down on your bed.

"Hey Thomas." You said.

"What's up?" Thomas asked.

"Nothing much, just the usual. What about you? How are you doing?" You closed your eyes.

"I'm fine." You opened your mouth to say something but Thomas cut you off.

"Hey Y/N I got to go, okay? I'll talk to you later, bye." He hanged up. You looked at your phone and sighed. You barely had time to talk to each other because of your busy schedules. You fell asleep thinking about Thomas. You wake up to the sound of someone knocking at your door. Maybe it was your roommate but why would she knock? She has keys. Maybe one of her friends. Anyways you opened the door. And you were right it is one of her friends.

"Is Nat here?" She asked.

"I just came back and I haven't seen her." You said and she mumbled thanks before leaving.

You closed the door and laid down again rubbing your eyes. You checked your phone and jolted up when you saw that you have a message but slumped back again when you saw that it was just your mom. You sighed and opened it. She was just asking if you were fine. You dropped your phone on the bed and didn't pick it back up. Once again you fell asleep. When your eyes fluttered open, you looked around and were surprised at what you saw. The room was decorated with hearts, stuffed toys, flowers, and letters. You were just about to stand up when your phone rang.

"Hello? Thomas what-" He cut you off

"Explain later first change and go outside and follow the notes."

"Notes? What-" Thomas hang up before you could finish your sentence. You stood up and picked a dress and changed. After that you fixed your hair, put your shoes on and went outside. As Thomas said you followed the notes. The first note was just outside your room.

'Just follow the notes, Okay? Okay. Go to the elevator and someone will give you another note.' You smiled and grabbed the note from the wall and walked inside the elevator. When you got outside the elevator your roommate was waiting for you. She handed you another note and winked.

'Go outside campus, there's a black car waiting for you there. Go inside and you'll find another note inside the car.'  You smiled at her before heading off. You found the car easily. You went inside and searched for the note Thomas was talking about. At first you couldn't find it but a few minutes later you found it at the front seat.

'Almost there. The driver will take you somewhere and after that you'll find the answers you need.'  You read the notes again and again as the driver took you wherever Thomas was saying.

You sat there quietly and waited until the car stopped. You were just about to open the door but someone opened it for you. You gave him a smile and looked around.

"Where am I?" You asked the one that opened the door for you.

"It's up to Mr. Sangster to tell you that." He guided you inside the restaurant.

'Another fancy date.'  You thought and followed the guy inside. When you went in you were in awe. Everything was beautiful from the chandeliers to the tables and chairs. The guy just disappeared magically and you looked around for him. Your eye caught someone familiar and you looked back again. Thomas was sitting down at a table on the far end of the room.

You walked towards him.

"Got all the notes?" He said. You pulled the chair and sat down.

"What a gentleman you are." He gave you a confused look and realized what you meant.

"Oh, sorry."

"And yes I got all your notes," You put all of it on the table

"Another fancy date. I told you no more fancy dates. You know we could always go get pizza and ice cream or we could go to Starbucks it's just the same. You don't need to spend all your money on a fancy date."

"Okay I'm sorry but it's different today."

"What's different today than any other day?" You asked. He knelt down on one knee and took a box out from his pocket. You stare at him in awe.

"Y/N I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you. You're the missing puzzle piece, you complete me. You're my everything and I don't think I could live without you. I want to be with you until I die and I'm asking if you want that too. I'm asking you to be the one that completes my day, the reason I want to come home everyday. Will you do the honor of being Mrs. Sangster? Will you marry me?" Tears started falling down your cheeks

"Yes." You whispered. He slipped the ring to your finger and hugged him.

"I love you so much." Thomas said when you pulled away

"I love you too." You wiped the tears and sat properly.

"You don't know how happy I am right now. It feels like I've been sent to heaven. Thank you Y/N." He tried to hold back the tears. You waited for the food while Thomas told you the things that he wanted and would happen in the future and of course it's all perfect. You felt like he was too perfect for you, like he deserves someone much better. You looked down and he seemed to notice.

"What's the matter Y/N? Aren't you happy?" He frowned

"I am happy but..."

"But what?" He tried searched your eyes.

"I feel like I'm not worthy of your love. You deserve someone better not a person like me that goes on the internet all day and talks about books and people that aren't real. I think all the people are annoyed with me, I can't believe how you're not. I can't believe I'm engaged to a celebrity I loved and adored all my life. Lots of girls out there would give up anything to be engaged to you. Lots of girls are prettier and skinnier but you chose me. You could've picked someone else better but you chose me and I'm very grateful for that." You looked back at him. Tears were falling down his cheeks too. You wiped the tears and he did the same.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop being insecure, to stop comparing yourself to others. I don't care if you don't wear makeup, you're still beautiful. I chose you not because you're pretty or skinny I chose you because I love you and that's what's important. Why would I be annoyed? I don't care if you talk about books, boats, and people that aren't real."

"It's actually ships not boats but thank you." It did a little to lighten you up but you gave him a sad smile.

"Are you happy?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, so much." The food arrived. Both of you ate in silence and after that he took you back to campus. You opened the lights of your room

"How am I supposed to clean this? This is all too much." You looked at him


"Why? I don't want my roommate's friends to see it and play with it."

"Keep it there so that if I'm not around or if you miss me you'll have a whole space full of things I bought for our engagement." He sat down at the edge of your bed.

"Are you busy?" You sat down beside him and rested your head at his shoulder.

"No, I canceled all of it." You felt guilty for that.

"Can you sleep with me?" You asked.

"Sleep seems great right now after traveling halfway around the world, yeah I'll sleep beside you." He laid down and you laid beside him

"Isn't the bed too small?"

"It's perfect." Before you could answer he fell asleep. You thought of how everything today was so perfect. You still couldn't believe that you're engaged to Thomas Brodie-Sangster. The guy you'd love all your life. And after a few minutes you fell asleep too.

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