Minho Imagine #5

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Your P.O.V.

"Hey Y/N" Thomas waved at you from a distance. Thomas and Minho had just came back from the Maze and now they're outside the Map Room. Thomas started walking towards you but Minho pushed him away and you could see that they're arguing about something. You started walking towards them and they stopped when they noticed

"What's the problem with both of you? Everytime Thomas starts to walk towards me Minho pushes him away then both of you start arguing." You say

"Its a...kind of...a game. Yeah, its a game. And we aren't arguing, it just looks like it, Its part of the game too. Don't worry everything's alright." Minho shot Thomas a glare then dragged him away

"Thanks a lot shuck face." You heard Minho say before they got lost into sight

Minho's P.O.V.

I let go of Thomas' hand when I reached the Deadheads.

"Listen shuck face, no one tells Y/N that I like her until I do. I know you've been trying to tell her. Have you told anyone about this?" I say

"Well...I might have told Newt." I cursed under my breath

"Why'd you tell Newt? Just because I told you that I like Y/N doesn't mean you can run around telling people what I just told you. It doesn't make you any special." I paused a few seconds before continuing

"When we come back I don't want you to tell anyone what I just said to you."

"Which one?" He asked "Both." I started walking back to the Glade.

Your P.O.V.

You're about to follow them but you saw an angry Minho is walking back to the Homestead. You followed him

"Hey Minho." You lean at the doorway to his room. He turned, his back facing you

"What do you want?" He said anger present in his voice

"I'm sorry if you have something to do or want to be alone but what did you do at the Deadheads?" You say softly, you didn't want an angry Minho yelling at you

"It doesn't matter." His voice softened

"It does matter. What did you do?" You ask again

"It doesn't matter, now get out." He almost shouted. You went to the Deadheads to check on Thomas. You saw him sitting down and sat down next to him

"What did Minho do? That boy's got a short temper." You asked once you're sitting down

"Nothing, we just talked." He said

"Really, what did he do?" You ask again

"We just talked, really."

"No punching, no hurting?" You stood up

"Nothing." He assured you

"I'll go back to the Glade, you coming back?"

"I'll stay here for a bit." You started walking back.


You sat down at the usual table with the usual people but something was missing, there wasn't much fun in here. You realize that Minho wasn't there

"Teresa did Minho go out since he came to the Homestead?" Teresa shrugged. You stood up and headed for the Homestead. You knocked at Minho's door when it didn't open you went inside. Minho was sitting on his bed, his hands in his face

"It's already dinner. Why aren't you out there?" You sit down next to him

"I'm not hungry." He said, his voice muffled

"There's something wrong. You've been acting strange, you didn't go outside since you came here, and now you don't want to eat. What's wrong?"

"It's just..." He trailed off

"What is it?"

"I told a friend that I like this girl and now he's trying to tell everyone that I like her and I'm afraid that if she knows everything would be awkward between us. I don't even know if she likes me back." You smiled at what he said

"You know what,"

"What?" He looked at you.

"She likes you too and she doesn't care if your friend tells everyone because they'll eventually know it later." You kissed him and when you pulled away he was smiling

"I love you" You hug him

"Now let's eat dinner." You stood up holding his hand and you drag him up. You stumbled pulling him up and almost fell but Minho caught you in his arms

"That was close." He whispered and you kissed him, he pulled away

"Let's go." You straighten yourself up. He held out his hand and you took it

"After you." You went out and he followed. Both of you walk back, hands held tight and smiling from ear to ear.

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