Newt Imagine #3

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You asked Alby for a day off so that you could rest and be with Newt. But he isn't there. You tried to find him everywhere but you couldn't.

"Teresa," you call out as she pass by "Have you seen Newt, he was gone by the time I woke up."

"Haven't seen him around. Have you tried searching around the Glade?" She said

"Yes and I've asked a couple of Gladers too but they haven't seen him." You say

"He'll come back, maybe he just did something. I wish that I can help you but I have to go Y/N." She said.

You didn't say anything you just left and went to the Deadheads to clear your mind. After a half an hour or so you went back to the Glade.

Halfway through the Homestead you saw Minho and Alby carrying something. No it's not something, it's someone. You look closely trying to figure out who it is. Newt. And he's covered in blood.

You run as fast as you can to him pushing people away. You didn't care if you push them hard all you want to do is see and hold Newt.

"Alby what happened?" You look at Newt in horror

"We don't really know Y/N but he didn't got stung by a griever." Alby answered.

Once Newt was carried by the med jacks you start to ask Alby and Minho tons of questions

"Is he alive? Do you know that he went in the Maze? Did he come with you? Did you see what happened? When did it happen?" And lots more

"He came with us in the Maze but we split up and didn't know what happened to him, we just found him lying in the Maze floor covered in blood. We checked him, he isn't dead, didn't got stung, but got some minor injuries and I think he broke a bone or two." Alby said "And he might be unconcious for a little while because it looks like he hurt his head." Minho adds.

You followed the med jacks and they said everything like what Minho and Alby had just said. 'Unconcious for a few days or weeks. That's okay, better than dying. Injuries, broken bone. All of those are way better than dying.' You thought.

You pulled a chair and sat beside Newt.

"Hey Newt I know you can't hear me or maybe you can. I just want to say that I love you so so much. What happened to you? Good thing Alby and Minho found you. Why didn't you tell me that you're going in the Maze?" You say a few tears escaping your eyes

"You need to wake up, okay. You have to wake up." Just when you finished the last sentence, his arm twitched. "Newt?" He didn't respond "Newt are you awake?" You tried again but he didn't respond "I guess I'm imagining things." You mumble before drifting off to sleep.

-A week later-

After going to the Map Room you went to check on Newt. As usual you tell him what happened to your day like everything's normal then place your head on his bed and sleep. You're woken up by someone touching your hair. You look up and Newt smiling

"Newt you're awake. Since when were you awake? I'm so worried about you. You've got a lot of explaining to do." You say sitting up straight

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'll explain it later and my foot hurts, no my whole body hurts." He groaned

"I'll call the med jacks." And so you went. "Clint, Jeff, Newt's awake." They followed you to the room where Newt is. They asked a couple of questions and said that Newt should stay there until tomorrow then they left.

"So what really happened Newt?" You asked

"I tried commiting suicide." He blurted out


"I tried commiting suicide. I climbed halfway through the vines then jumped. I'm sorry Y/N, I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm really really sorry." He said the first two sentences normally like it was casual.

"You tried to commit suicide? What were you thinking? And how do you say those words like they're normal. What are you trying to do Newt? Did you imagine what would happen to the people that care about you? Alby, Thomas, Minho, Me. Did you think that I would be okay, 'Oh, okay Newt's dead I'll move on with my life.' And then think 'I'm too selfish, Newt does what he wants. He can commit suicide whenever he wants.' I don't care if I'm selfish, you got to stop treating yourself like this. Why are you doing this Newt? Is it because of the Maze? Well guess what, your girlfriend goes out there everyday and tries to find a way out and we're already halfway there. We're almost there. We're almost out of our misery. You just have to wait." You say tears escaping your eyes. He didn't say anything for a few minutes

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm very, very sorry. I love you so much. Please forgive me. Please forgive my stupidity." Newt said

"Never do anything like that ever again, promise me." You say

"I promise to never do anything like that ever again," He said "So, do you forgive me?"

"Yeah." You answer

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