Minho Imagine #3

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Your boyfriend Minho hasn't come back from running and it's already afternoon. You're worried. Worried that he couldn't make it until the Doors close. Worried that he couldn't make it for the night in the maze. 'He can make it. If ever he couldn't he can make it through the night. He already did that and he survived it.' You thought "Has Minho arrived already?" Newt asks snapping you out of your thoughts "Not yet and it's already afternoon. After a few hours the Doors will close." You say "Don't worry he will make it." Newt and watched with you at the West Doors. Newt offered for you to eat but you refused. Minho still hasn't arrived and you're starting to worry about him more. The Doors started closing but he still isn't there. By now the two of you are supposed to be eating with Newt, Chuck, Thomas, and Teresa but now you're watching the Doors close not even a single sign from Minho. Tears started rolling down your cheeks as the Doors close you kneeled and cried and sobbed not caring if anyone sees you. Teresa kneeled beside you, comforting you "He will make it. He's too smart and strong and tough. He can make it through the night." But her words didn't comfort you. You still cried for minutes even hours at the closed Doors, Newt, Chuck, Thomas, and Teresa by your side, comforting you. Finally after a few hours of crying you go back to the Homestead. Teresa decided that you would sleep at her room so you don't feel alone but it didn't work. After hours of shuffling from side to side Teresa woke up. You sat up "I'm sorry Teresa it just isn't the same." Tears started pouring down your cheeks but you managed not to cry that much. Teresa sat up "It's okay Y/N Minho will come back. He'll come back to you. He'll do anything to come back to you." Teresa's words calmed you down and you managed to sleep. You were the first ones to wake up. You headed for the West Doors as soon as possible and sit down. When everyone's awake there still wasn't no sign of Minho. You wanted to skip work but you needed it so you can think of other things other than Minho. But you couldn't, he was still in your mind whatever you do. Just when you were about to start working you see a figure struggling to run to the Glade from the West Doors. You look closely and realize that it's Minho. You run to him and when you're a few feet away from him he collapsed. You hold him in your arms "Med jacks, somebody help him!" You shout as loud as you can. "Minho" He didn't answer "Minho" you tried again shooking him "I'm...sorry...Y/N." he struggled to say "Don't say sorry. You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault. What matters most is that you're here." He was about to say something but you shushed him "Stop you'll only tire yourself even more. You have to rest. I'll be by your side." The Med jacks came and carried Minho. 'He made it, he's alive, he's safe, and he did it.' You thought then followed them.You pulled a chair next to Minho and took his hand. "Is he okay? Did he got stung?" You asked "He didn't got stung and he's okay just minor injuries. He just needs to rest and he couldn't run tomorrow. He'll eventually eat luch and dinner here then tomorrow he can go out." Clint said "Thanks Clint, thanks Jeff." They left the room leaving the two of you alone. "What happened to you? I was so worried about you. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat." Tears rolled down your cheeks "I'm sorry Y/N. It's afternoon and I was supposed to go back but I saw a Griever-" you cut him off "A Griever at afternoon?" "Yeah, and chased me and after hours of chasing me it went to the Cliff the doors were already closing. I ran back hoping to go back before the doors close. I was at the corner when it closed and I saw you crying, waiting for me to come back. I sat at the doors but kept quiet. I heard you, every last bit of it. I was supposed to stay there for the night but a Griever came and I almost got stung a lot of times but I thought about you, about us. What would happen to you if I was gone. All those times I was thinking about you and you're the reason why I was so eager to come back and not die. You're the reason, the only reason (A/N sorry if I'm ruining the moment but see what I did, if you're a 5sos fam you will but if you're not I know you don't care so now you may continue) I wouldn't want to leave you. I want to see you, touch you, kiss you, say the last three words to you before I die. I love you so much Y/N and I would always fight for you." Tears rolling down yours and Minho's cheeks. You wipe them off "Why so dramtic?" "I don't know. Maybe I realized that while you're here with me I should cherish and not waste every moment you and I have until it's there." Before you could answer there was a knock at your door but it didn't open. You stood up and opened the door. Newt, Chuck, Thomas, and Teresa stood outside. "Why didn't you come in like you always do?" You ask them "Don't want to ruin your little reunion and besides who knows what you two might be doing. Can't afford little Chuckie here seeing what you do." Newt said. You playfully punch his arm and all of you laugh including Minho. You turned to sit again beside Minho "Are you okay Minho?" Thomas asked "Yeah, just need some rest." "We'll bring you some lunch later. Soup and bread if you're wondering." Newt said "And I stole some sandwich from Frypan. " Chuck said handing the sandwich to Minho who hungrily ate it. "Boy you're so hungry." Teresa said "Try not eating dinner and run for the whole day." Minho snapped "Y/N was so worried about you. What happened to you?" "I'll tell you tomorrow or when I tell Alby. Don't wanna say it thrice." They nod and sat down. When it was time for lunch Thomas and Teresa went to get Minho lunch. "Y/N let's go eat." Newt offered "Uh..." Minho gave you a look as if to say that you should eat. You gave up and said "Fine, I'll eat here with Minho." You said not wanting to leave Minho "I'll get you you're food." Chuck said "Thanks Chuck." You mumbled before he left. "I'll just wait for Thomas, Teresa, and Chuck then we'll leave you two lovebirds alone until dinner. Just make sure you don't do anything, Minho still haven't got so much energy. If you need us just... uh...find us. We don't really know where we're going." Newt said. Thomas, Teresa, and Chuck came back holding plates and a bowl and cups of water. "What's up today? Why did Frypan make steak and mashed potatoes?" You ask "Because Minho came back. And he also gave Minho steak and mashed potatoes." Thomas said "That's unfair he have soup and bread and I don't." You say pouting "You can always share." Newt said. You looked at Minho and he winked at you "Nah. Nevermind I have steak and mashed potatoes anyways." You give Minho a devilsh grin "Just give me his food and I'll take care of it." You say "Nooo. Don't give her my food she'll eat it then I'm gonna starve." Minho said "Don't worry you can always eat me." You joke "Ewww stop it. Little Chuckie can hear you." Newt says "We'll leave your food and go before you could do anything that might make us throw up." Chuck said disgust presemt in his tone. They left the food and left. "What was that about?" He said "What? I was just joking but if you really want to." You winked at him not bothering to finish your sentence. "That makes me feel like I'm a slut. Ew." Minho laughed "Well I'll be feeding you. Or can you eat on your own?" You say "Feed me and don't eat my food." He said "But you can eat by yourself already. Anyways I'll do it." You shrug. You feed him soup first then bread then steak and took a bite of yours then mashed potatoes. Once he was finished you started eatting too. Halfway through your meal he called you "Y/N" "Yeah? What's wrong does something hurts? Are you okay?" You ask him "Nothing's wrong. But my heart hurts." He said softly. You choked and started to go hysterical "What? Are you dying? Are you sick? Why didn't you tell me you have heart problems? How and why did you became a runner a keeper even if you have heart problems? How did you become the best runner if you have heart problems, you should be dead by now. Does anyone know about this? I'm gonna call Clint and Jeff." You were about to call them but Minho laughed "Why are you laughing." "Y/N calm down I don't have heart problems, why would they even let me be a runner if I have heart problems. I love you. That's why my heart hurts. I love you so much that it hurts." You calmed down "No really do you have heart problems?" You ask terrified of what he might say "No" you sighed and went back to eating. You gave him some steak but he refused "Just eat it or you'll starve." He would say. "Go to work I'll be fine." He said when you're done eating. "No it's okay I'll just skip work. I'll stay here." He moved to the side creating a space for you. "Come, lie down with me." You did as told. After a while of cuddling and talking the both of you slept in peace.

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