02 Do you remember?

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02 Do You Remember?

The soft glow of morning light filtered through the plane windows, casting a warm ambiance in the room. As I shifted to ease my neck discomfort, Gracie stirred, her hazel eyes meeting mine. A moment of silent acknowledgment passed between us before she offered a sleepy smile. The vibe from last night's talk hung in the air, like a mix of excitement and nerves. Waking up with Gracie beside me, there's this jittery energy. The room feels charged, as if our late-night honesty is still playing catch-up with the morning light.

"I thought you didn't like people snoring," I softly mentioned.

"You don't snore," Gracie said, stretching. "God, I hate hangovers," she added, raising her hand to her head.

"Were you that wasted?" I asked. "I swear you were sober enough to make fun of my dating life."

Gracie rolled her eyes and grinned. "Oh yeah, I remember that," she chuckled.

I'm kinda wondering if she realizes how not normal it was, the way we were all close last night and nearly kissed. It's like, did we just step into some weird movie plot or what? Got me thinking, did she feel that vibe too, or was it just me overthinking the whole thing? Gotta figure this out somehow.

"What time is it?" Gracie asked, cracking her knuckles. The room was dimly lit, and the low hum of distant chatter filled the air. She glanced around, an impish grin playing on her lips.

I pull my phone out. "It's almost 6 am, we're supposed to land in an hour or so." The cabin lights flicker, casting a faint glow on the tired faces of fellow passengers. The journey has been long, and the anticipation of arrival lingers in the air.

She nodded, "H-hey, sorry for, I mean, for having my arm on top of you." A sheepish smile played on her lips as she shifted slightly, creating a bit of space between us. "I tend to get a bit too comfortable when I sleep. Hope I didn't invade your personal space too much."

"its okay, seriously. I should be saying sorry. If I made you feel weird about our chat last night, my bad. I don't even know why I brought that up. Sometimes, my brain just goes on a weird tangent." I grinned, hoping to lighten the mood. "Anyway, any exciting plans for when we land? "

Gracie shook her head. "Not really. Go to soundcheck and hope everything goes well, your brother tried to convince me about skipping it and going to the studio with him. Something about a song written about me." She paused, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I mean, it's sweet in its own way, no one has ever done that for me."

As she spoke, a distant melody echoed in my mind. That day, Mark and I sat in the studio and wrote a love song for her. My brother thought everything I said and wrote in that song was about Cara, but every time I was writing, the only person that came into my mind was Gracie. We laid down the lyrics, pouring out what I felt but never said. It was my secret language, me turning unspoken feelings into music. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the process — the thoughts, It was a secret, my mind and me. Only if she knew the things I've written about her. The melody lingered, a whisper in the air, waiting for the perfect moment to be unveiled. maybe one day I'll tell her that I want her and she would understand the depth of the sentiments woven into each word and chord.

"You gonna love it"

"I don't know why I'm so nervous, as if he's going to propose or something," she chuckled, nervously twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

"Would you say yes, if he does?" I asked, my words hanging in the air, the anticipation evident in my expression.

Gracie looked at me as if what she was about to say was a secret, her eyes holding a hint of mystery and excitement. With a sly grin, she leaned in, as if sharing privileged information.

Water Under The Bridge • Gracie Abrams Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora