013 Emotional tides

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013 Emotional tides

The night air was gentle against my sunburned skin as I waited for everyone to join me at the beachside restaurant. The full moon cast a soft glow over the scene, illuminating the sand and the waves crashing gently on the shore. I couldn't help but admire the tranquility of the moment, wondering if Gracie would be up for a late-night stroll along the beach when she arrived with Olivia.

I took a seat at a table and absentmindedly scrolled through my phone, avoiding social media like the plague. The internet was still buzzing with chatter about Leon and Gracie, with fans fiercely defending them against any criticism. It made me wonder what would happen if Gracie and I ever decided to go public with our feelings. The thought of the chaos that would ensue—TMZ, PopBase, and everyone else jumping on the story—made my head spin.

I opened my notes app, feeling inspired by today with Gracie at the natural well. Words poured out onto the screen, forming a song about that intense desire to be with someone while also being afraid of rushing into things and potentially messing it all up. It was a weird mix of emotions, but it felt like something that truly captured my style and the complexity of my feelings.

But if you're willing
I show you all my thoughts
Let's just risk it for us

As a melody popped into my head, I envisioned the song beginning with the soothing sound of waves, accompanied by repetitive piano chords that would make the tune instantly catchy. Then, a voice would come in—perhaps Johnny's or Aurora's—to bring the lyrics to life. Just as I was lost in this musical daydream, a message from Katie snapped me out of it, prompting me to reply.

Katie( Jack's crush)
Hey, just wanted to give you a heads-up that we're skipping dinner tonight because the baby's kicking up a storm, and we're opting for a cozy movie night in bed instead. Feel free to do whatever you want—just don't get into trouble! Also, can't wait to catch up and chat about Gracie. Told you it wasn't that far off! 🫣

"Did you know the hotel has a buffet? So we can literally grab whatever we want to eat," Johnny appeared with three different plates of food.

I chuckled, "Yeah, that's why there's food in the center of the restaurant."

"No, yeah, but like the hotel already includes it. I thought we were paying for every meal separately."

"Actually, I remember Katie complaining about the hotel prices and shit. Speaking of her, the love birds aren't coming so we're gonna be here for nothing," I pouted.

"Aurora wasn't coming either way. She said she had a song and doesn't want to interrupt the process," he exclaimed with his hands gesturing wildly.

"I think I have something good, like a song, but if you and me work on this one, it could be an awesome tune, like how we did in 'A Little More.' Did you bring your keyboard?"

He nodded, drinking water. "Yes, and my computer if you want to make a demo," he said quietly. "Mark actually was writing most of the day. He sent me parts of a song called 'Clouds,' or at least that's the name I gave to it. But I think it rocks. And Cara told me she was showing me some stuff of hers, so yeah, after this, we could go to my room and work."

"What are you guys working on?" Olivia asked, as she and Gracie took a seat in front of us.

"We're working on some songs," Johnny replied, using my back as drums. "And Cassie's going to be back in action as a songwriter."

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