06 Good Riddance

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06 Good Riddance

Gracie's POV

I know I was crying, my chest felt heavy and my mind couldn't handle the guilt I was feeling for pushing two people I care about away. Mark won't even look at me if I tell him that I— I just broke the heart of the girl I think I want and god the gaze she gave me like I was a stranger all because I am a fucking mess.

I made my way back to my dressing room where there was a patiently waiting Olivia Rodrigo, I shut the door and put my back against the wall and started crying, she was scrolling on her phone but quickly she got up and walked to me bending on her knees and hugged me.

"I guess you didn't listen to my advice, huh?" she said softly, gripping me tighter. "It's okay, breaksthroughs happens all the time."

"It's not okay when I'm the one forcing it," I whispered with my lips trembling.

"What did she say?" Olivia asked.

"That she wanted me and that she had always been there waiting for me," I replied, settling in on the floor.

"And what did you answered?"

I looked at her, knowing that she wouldn't like the fact that I literally told Cassie to move on, knowing I feel something for her but it's hard when everything in the world literally alines and tells you that's not your path.

I sighed, dropping my face into my hands. "That we shouldn't be together and that Cara was there for her," I confessed.

She slapped my arm. "Gracie!" She ran a hand through her hair. "Did the forty minutes talk about how you literally asked your boyfriend for space because you feel something for her sister not get through to your head?" The exasperation in her voice was palpable, a mix of frustration and concern for how tangled my emotions where.

"I just— I don't think she deserves it, Liv. I think she needs someone better, and I'm being mature about it. I can't date or even think about her that way. It's Mark's little sister!" I whispered-shouted, the pain and frustration evident in my voice.

"You can't choose what's best for her. It's her choice to decide who is better for her, and for now, I think she has chosen you for a long time," Olivia remarked.

"It's not that easy, Liv!" I shouted. "Sorry, I have a lot to think about, and I— you're the only one who knows I like girls and I'm not even sure I like girls, I just had this crush with one and I've never felt this. It's also scary because what would my family say? I haven't even talked to them about Mark and me being over. What would the press and my parents think if I started dating my ex-boyfriend's sister? I can already imagine the articles, 'Gracie Abrams toying with siblings.' I don't know what to do," I admitted, the weight of uncertainty and fear evident in my words, almost on the verge of tears.

Olivia rubbed my back, attempting to ease me, but the more I thought about it, the stronger the desire to crawl into bed and never come out became.

"Hey, it's okay, calm down," she said, trying to breathe with me. "Does Mark know?"

I shook my head. "No," my breath was becoming slower, but I still felt overwhelmed. "I don't think it's much until he finds out though." The anticipation of Mark's reaction on top of everything added a lot of tension to this situation.

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