022 Lost control

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022 Lost control

My hands gripped the steering wheel with an intensity matching the whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. Despite not speeding, the rush of wind through the open windows tousled my hair, mirroring the chaos within me. My heart pounded against my chest, each beat echoing the weight of the recent argument with Gracie. Words spoken in haste hung heavy in the air, staining the fragile bond between us.

In an attempt to clear my mind, I made the impulsive decision to join Leigh at a party, desperate for distraction. But the idea of facing the crowd alone felt daunting. With a quick scan of my contacts, I settled on Johnny, knowing he'd always be up for me, even if it meant dragging him from the comfort of his slumber.

When Johnny answered, his voice heavy with the remnants of sleep, I omitted the true purpose of my outing. Instead, I painted a picture of a casual gathering at Leigh's, downplaying the gravity of the situation. The truth remained unspoken, buried beneath layers of half-truths and evasion, a shadow lurking in the corners of my consciousness.

"How's Mark doing?" I inquired, my grip tightening on the steering wheel as I navigated through the streets.

"After polishing off half the liquor cabinet, he passed out in your mom's room," Johnny replied with a nonchalant shrug. "But he seemed more down than angry, you know?"

"I get it, but some of the things he said really cut deep," I confessed, feeling the weight of Mark's words still in my mind.

Johnny's expression softened, his eyes reflecting empathy. "In a situation like this, emotions run high. If I were in his shoes, I'd probably react the same way."

"But what if he can't forgive us?" I sighed, the uncertainty gnawing at my insides.

"He's hurting right now, Cass. Give him time to process everything. I'm sure he'll come around," Johnny reassured me, his smile offering a glimmer of hope.

"I hope you're right," I murmured, my doubts still lingering despite his words of encouragement.

Johnny squeezed my hand in a comforting gesture. "So, where exactly are you taking me?"

"To the club we hit up last time. Just a few hours, nothing too crazy. Hope Aurora doesn't mind me dragging you along," I chuckled.

"Nah, Aurora understands that we're like brothers, our bond it's unbreakable," Johnny quipped, his grin infectious as he gestured between us.

As laughter filled the car, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Johnny's presence. Spending time with him was like finding solace in a turbulent world, and I couldn't imagine navigating life's challenges without someone like him. In that moment, I realized how fortunate I was to have him as a friend.

As we stepped into the pulsating atmosphere of the club, the air was thick with the scent of alcohol and the rhythmic beat of the music reverberated through my bones.

Johnny's phone began to buzz incessantly, and he gestured that he would take the call and return shortly. I made my way to the bar, craving the numbing embrace of a drink to momentarily drown out the chaos of my thoughts.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked.

"Any recommendations?" I replied, "something strong."

He grinned. "Tequila it is," he said, grabbing the bottle and pouring me a shot.

As the bartender poured me a shot of tequila, I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly before realizing it was Johnny.

"Dude, don't do that," I said, placing a hand over my chest.

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