011 Jamaica

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011 Jamaica

Last night, I couldn't sleep a wink. My head was buzzing with all sorts of thoughts about Gracie. On one side, I loved how we could have these amazing talks, but on the other, I was freaking out about what would happen if everyone found out. The media, her folks, and don't even get me started on Mark—what a mess.

I kept thinking, "I wish I'd met her before all this drama." But then there's Mark, still head over heels for her. And Gracie? Well, she's not sure about me either. I mean, she straight-up told me I wasn't girlfriend material. So, maybe she's not feeling the same way I am.

As I lay there in the dark, these questions just kept circling around my head, making me doubt everything. I just want some clarity, a sign that we're on the same page. But until then, I'm stuck in this maze of confusion, wondering where we stand.

"So, we made a change of plans. We're going to Jamaica. Actually, I never bought those Ibiza tickets," Katie said, her tone laced with amusement.

"Jamaica?" We all echoed in unison, our surprise evident in our synchronized response.

"What? It's a beautiful place! The culture and everything—it's really amazing," Katie shot back.

"Speaking for everyone, How do we plan to go if we don't speak Spanish?" Johnny complained.

"People speak English in Jamaica, and the tickets are already bought, so we can't really do anything about it," she smiled. "Let's go; it's already getting late," she said, grabbing her suitcase and heading out.

Everyone followed her lead, grabbing their suitcases and heading out. Without knowing about the duration of our stay, we had packed lightly, opting for lightweight suitcases.

"Hey," I smiled, reaching out to Gracie, who was engrossed in conversation with Olivia.

Gracie looked beautiful, dressed in a white tee paired with some baggy jeans and white Adidas shoes. Her hair was pulled back halfway into a ponytail, and she wasn't wearing any makeup. Despite her casual appearance, I couldn't help but feel nervous whenever I was around her. It was as if my ability to speak coherently vanished every time she was near me.

Meanwhile, Olivia was dressed in long shorts and a black tee, topped off with a black hat. She also opted for a makeup-free look, exuding a natural beauty that was impossible to ignore.

Gracie shyly smiled and greeted me with a soft "Hi," her eyes sparkling with warmth and kindness.

We locked eyes, and I found myself lost in her pretty brown eyes—so captivating, so mesmerizing. Each of her freckles only added to her beauty, and I couldn't tear my gaze away. I wanted to stay there, lost in her gaze, for as long as I could. Gracie had me completely mesmerized.

"Hi!" Olivia interjected, positioning herself between me and Gracie. "So cute that you guys are acting like a pair of teenagers in love, but it's really weird to see," she remarked with a smile, teasing us gently.

"You can go with Leon then, I'll stay with Gracie the whole flight," I teased.

"Yeah, uhm, well, bye," Olivia whispered as she left, her words lingering in the air. "If you really want to keep it lowkey, stop looking at each other like that," she advised before disappearing from view, my eyes remained fixed on Gracie, unable to tear myself away from her gaze.

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