021 Breaking point

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021 Breaking point

Mark's words echoed painfully in my mind as everyone's eyes fell on me. I couldn't even bring myself to meet Gracie's tear-filled gaze. Thoughts of my mother flooded my mind, and I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for tearing apart our family. Mark's words felt like daggers piercing my heart, but deep down, I knew he was hurting even more. His love for Gracie outweighed everything else, and I had shattered that dream.

"I'm gonna go talk to him," Jack said.

Suddenly, we heard Mark screaming and crying out, doors slamming, and glasses breaking. I couldn't believe how naive I was to think this could actually work. He even wants to pull apart the band. I caught Cara's knowing smirk. I shot her a pleading look to keep quiet, but she only smiled mischievously in response.

"Well that went great," Cara blurted out.

I sigh "Shut the fuck up, Cara,"I muttered, my frustration evident.

"Cara..." Olivia tried to pull her back.

"No, Liv, Did you honestly expect this to turn out well? Did you really think he'd cheer for you for getting involved with his girlfriend?" Cara's tone was incredulous. "And Katie, you knew about this? You could've at least tried to talk some sense into them. You two didn't consider the consequences," she glanced between me and Gracie. "Now Mark's furious, and I'm likely out of a job because you two decided your love was more important than anything else in the world, I'm leaving, you guys have a great day,"

Cara's words left us speechless, ringing with undeniable truth. Despite my reluctance to admit it, she was right. We had ruined everything.

Gracie's whispered words cut through the silence. "She's a bitch," she muttered.

"Indeed," Olivia echoed softly.

"No, she's not," I interjected, meeting both of their gazes.

Gracie sniffed and tilted her head. "Now you're defending her?" she questioned.

"You're missing the point here," I said, furrowing my brows. "And she's not a bitch; she's just angry because of everything that's happened, and Mark..." I sighed. "I mean, separating the band?"

Gracie's insistence echoed in the room. "Still think she's a bitch," she repeated stubbornly.

"I shook my head. "If she were a bitch, she would have said it to Mark herself," I argued.

"What?" Gracie and Olivia exclaimed simultaneously, their confusion evident.

"Cara knew we were together since Jamaica," I explained, "she could have told Mark, but she never even mentioned it in front of him. So she's not a bitch; she's just angry," I clarified.

Cara's sudden outburst left them all speechless, and Gracie's eyes stayed glued to me, as if she were trying to decipher my thoughts without saying a word.

"Look," Katie sighed, "don't pay attention to what Cara said. I believe Jack can talk some sense into Mark, but I don't think it's a good idea for all of us to stay here," she continued. "Leon, you should go and get your eye checked, and Liv, you can go with him."

Leon slowly stood up, glancing between me and Gracie. With a warm smile, he enveloped both of us in a hug. "For what it's worth," he said softly, "I think you guys shouldn't let it get to you."

Aurora joined us, her expression reflecting a mix of discomfort and acceptance. "I don't like how I found out about this, and it feels a bit off," she admitted, "but you guys do look cute together."

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