012 Sunburn

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012 Sunburn

After barely catching two hours of sleep, I couldn't resist the pull to hit the pavement for a run and squeeze in a workout. As I laced up my shoes, my mind wandered to places I'd love to take Gracie. Even though I didn't know the country well, I had this romantic notion of discovering hidden gems where we could steal a kiss, maybe. Even though we'd just kissed not too long ago, all I really craved was to feel her soft lips on mine again.

I still remember Gracie's first date with Mark vividly. They were young and kinda clueless. Mark had the audacity to ask my dad for a hundred bucks to treat Gracie to some Mac and cheese. At the time, I thought it was the lamest move ever. But then Gracie said that, she fell for him right there in that cheesy diner because Mac and cheese was her ultimate comfort food.

Mark and Gracie were friends before dating. Leon and I had even helped him out on a few dates. So, despite how cringy it all sounded, I knew I could easily top Mark's efforts. But I had zero intel on the other dudes she'd dated. I had to unleash all my creativity on this date.

I was dead set on outdoing all her past first dates, making sure she got a taste of everything great about me. I wanted to have her so hooked that all she could think about was hugging me tight, nonstop. I pictured creating moments so epic they'd overshadow any other romantic rendezvous she'd had. With each laugh, each shared story, I wanted to deepen her bond with me, sparking a craving for closeness and affection she couldn't shake. So, I put my heart and soul into planning every detail, bent on leaving a lasting impression that'd keep her coming back for more of me.

I was strolling back to my hotel room when I spotted Mark stumbling in the lobby, his shirt stained with what looked like wine, rubbing his temples. I tried to avoid eye contact and kept walking, but this weird flutter in my stomach compelled me to veer toward him and stand right in front of him.

"Hey," I said, rocking back on my heels.

He looked at me with frustration evident in his eyes, furrowing his brow. "Why are you up so early?" he asked.

"Couldn't sleep," I replied. "What about you?"

Then his expression softened, and he looked at me with puppy eyes, struggling to speak. "Can I ask you for some advice?" he managed to say.


"What am I doing wrong with Gracie?" he sighed, his voice heavy with frustration. "I've tried to make things right and talk to her about us, but she refuses to listen. I know I messed up by hitting Leon, but everything happened so fast. People started tagging me in the photo, and I was so angry that I didn't even hesitate. I thought that was the reason Gracie was acting weird about us. And then they both went on that walk but then she kissed me on the game and I— I think I'm going crazy," he said, exhaling deeply.

I couldn't help the guilt gnawing at me. He talked about trying to fix things between them, but all I could think about was how my actions had driven them apart. His regret over hitting Leon and the fallout from it weighed heavily on him, and I knew I was partly to blame. The whole mess—the photo circulating, his uncontrollable anger—it all stemmed from me. As he grappled with his emotions, I wrestled with my own remorse, knowing that my presence in their lives had caused such chaos. It was a harsh truth I couldn't escape as I listened to him.

"Uhm, well, I really can't help you here, lad," I said, feeling the weight of my own guilt pressing down on me. "Cara and I never had these kinds of problems. But I think you should give her some space. Let her figure out what she wants, and if it's meant to be, she'll come back to you," I suggested, despite the irony of my situation.

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