08 Friends

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08 Friends

Heading back to Venice, things picked up speed, and surprisingly, it felt like we owned up to our earlier car talks. Conversations flowed smoothly, almost as if the heated exchange in the venue had never happened.

Gracie rocked 'Full Machine' as the concert's epic finale. Venice went all out, singing along in their lively Italian way, turning each song into a unique and fun experience. The energy in the crowd was off the charts, making the concert an unforgettable ride.

"Absolutely killing it," Mark whispered in my ear over the music.

I grin at him, "As always,"

He lean in, the casual banter replaced by a more serious tone. "How have you been? We haven't talked much lately. By the way, I wanted to let you know that Gracie and I are on a break," he say, his words hanging in the air, waiting for my reaction.

"I know, she mentioned on our way back here," I lied.

He raise an eyebrow, masking his surprise. "Oh, what did she say?" He respond.

"Just that you weren't together anymore, how are you about that? I know you've never liked someone like her."

It's a messed-up situation, I know. Being his sister and all, I can't help but feel sorry for him. I mean, we're stuck in this weird mess, and he has no idea. I Know that I've been a shitty sister, wanting the same girl as him. It's all kinds of messed up, and I can't brush off this guilt.

He took a moment, like contemplating his response. "Well, it's been an adjustment," he admit, a hint of vulnerability creeping into his words. "But it was for the best, I believe we'll find out way back to each other," he offers a half-smile.

I'm stuck in this maze of what-ifs. What if they end up together? And then there's me and Gracie, wondering if we could have a history. If they do get together, what the fuck do I even do? It's a messy mix of emotions, and I'm just trying to navigate this unpredictable fucked up story.

I nod, a silent agreement settling between us. "So, what's the plan after this?" I throw in, attempting to steer the conversation.

"I don't know; we can't do that much. Katie and Jack's wedding is tomorrow, so I don't think we can stay out too late. Just drive to the place and hang out a bit," he shrugged.

"Fair enough," I reply, a sense of relief washing over me with the change of topic. "Maybe we can play a drinking game." I gave him a mischievous smile.

His laughter echoed, "I've always loved the way you enjoy a drink." His gaze softened, "Sorry we haven't talked much. I love you, you know that right?" He sealed the sentiment with a tender kiss on my forehead.

I can't even find the words to describe the messed-up feeling I've created. He's a good dude, a solid brother, and I can't shake the guilt for screwing things up. He used to be a great boyfriend until I got tangled up with feelings for his girl, and now their breakup is on me. It's a total mess, and I'm stuck dealing with the consequences.

"I love you too,"

"Let's play truth or dare!" Olivia mentioned excitement evident on her voice.

"Sure, why not?" Leon reply, a smile playing on his lips.

With a sip of my beer, I throw the ball into her court. "You start," I say. "Truth or dare?"

Olivia hesitated a moment before saying "Truth,"

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued by Olivia's choice. "Alright, spill your guts. Who from here, would you go to bed with?" I throw in, a mischievous grin accompanying my question.

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