07 A dream

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07 A dream

Its been a few weeks since Gracie and I last talked, we've only shared gazes and exchanged not more than five words. No one else seems to notice how we aren't speaking anymore, not even Mark. I mean, it's like she and Mark are still together. They are laughing and making jokes about each other. Olivia says that's because before dating, they were best friends, and that makes a lot of sense. But deep down, I don't want to admit that I'm kinda afraid of them coming back together.

I've been doing alright, keeping myself busy to distract from thoughts of her. The gym and a bit more smoking have become my go-to escapes. But each day, it gets harder not to think about her, especially in those quiet moments or when I'm high, tempted to call her. Leon's pushing me to hit the clubs with them, trying to set me up with Cara. She's into it, flirting all the time, but honestly, it's just boring when all I see is Gracie on the other side, dancing and laughing with Olivia.

I just don't get how she's totally okay with everything. It's like she didn't even feel anything.

We're currently are in route to Italy for Gracie's show tomorrow, and Katie's and Jack's wedding is on Saturday. I've been struggling to craft that speech—aiming for something memorable, but every attempt ends up erased.

"Love is?" I ponder, once more erasing the words on the paper.

"When you try to make it out alive," Leon quoted a line from that Dominic Fike song.

I clapped, saying, "So funny, ever thought about running for stand-up?"

"I'm trying to help," he laughed, his amusement echoing in the room. "But seriously, my comedic timing could use some work."

"How does love make you feel?" I inquired, raising a brow.

"It's like being a puppy in the street, never feeling loved by anyone, cold and empty. But suddenly, this person comes into your life and gives you all the warmth you've never received," he finished, a wistful smile playing on his lips.

"That's called 'having issues.' That's not how love is supposed to make you feel," Aurora entered the conversation, taking a seat beside me.

"Love is different for everyone," Leon replied, his eyes reflecting a hint of personal experience.

I closed my notebook, refusing to force it, I'm not going to write the first bullshit that comes to mind, especially with these idiots around. I can't even concentrate.

I took a drink of water. "So, tell me about the next album. How's it going?"

"Awful," Aurora said, shaking her head. "We want the album to have this love concept, but John and I can only write sad songs. Mark isn't even trying, and Cara is writing, but she hasn't shown us anything yet."

Suddenly, Aurora's eyes lit up. "Maybe you could help us. You know how to write good songs. 'A Little More,' it's all on you," she finished, a hopeful tone in her voice.

"Yeah, maybe, but I can't even write a stupid wedding speech correctly. I can't do that much for a song," I replied, feeling a bit hesitant.

"Don't diss the speech like that," Jack appeared, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I trust you enough to do it."

"Sorry, she's tense," Leon smirked.

"Where's Katie?" I asked, scanning the room for her.

"Sleeping with Johnny, should I be jealous?" Jack said with an unserious tone, raising an eyebrow.

"No, Johnny misses her mommy, and we all see Katie as a mom, so probably just that," Aurora replied with a grin.

"Are you nervous about the wedding?" I asked with a playful smile.

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