015 The picture

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015 The picture

Our last day in Jamaica rolled around, we felt a mix of sadness and nostalgia. It had been an incredible week packed with laughter and unforgettable experiences. In the final days, we kicked back and just enjoyed each other's company, trying out all sorts of fun stuff together. We snorkelled in the clear waters, hiked through lush jungles, and explored colorful markets. Nights were filled with dancing to reggae tunes and digging into tasty Jamaican dishes. Having Katie and Jack with us for the last leg of the trip made it even more special. We all went zip-lining through the jungle, lounged on the beaches, and took a sunset cruise along the coast.

This boat was different from the one I'd rented for Gracie and me. It was bigger, better, with a magnetic view and an incredible bar that I found myself taking advantage of. I'd been drinking a little more than usual, trying to release some of the pressure from everything that had happened this month. I don't know how Gracie was handling it all without feeling like she wanted to drown too.

As Katie and I talked, her words hit me hard. Keeping our relationship a secret suddenly felt like tiptoeing through a minefield, just waiting for an explosion. The idea of giving off the wrong vibes to everyone, especially Mark, made my stomach hurt. Finding out that Gracie's parents thought she'd said yes to Mark's proposal only added fuel to the fire. It ramped up my fear of the fallout from our secret. What if they found out? What if Mark caught on to the fact that Gracie and I were more than just friends?

The thought sent a shiver down my spine. Despite the warm Caribbean breeze and the stunning night sky, I felt a heavy weight settle in my chest. Uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. I knew I needed to talk to Gracie about all of this, but the fear of what might happen next had me frozen in place, trapped in my own web of secrets.

I went to the bar, taking a deep breath before downing a shot of tequila. "Hey," Gracie said.

Gracie approached me at the bar, a wave of mixed emotions washed over me. On one hand, I was thrilled to see her and longed to spend some quality time together, away from the prying eyes and potential complications of our situation. But on the other hand, I couldn't shake the nagging worry that keeping our relationship a secret could eventually come back to haunt us.

Taking another sip of tequila, I tried to push aside my concerns and focus on the present moment. Being with Gracie, even if just for a brief moment at the bar, provided a sense of comfort and familiarity amidst the uncertainty of our circumstances. We may have agreed to keep our interactions low-key for the remainder of the trip, but that didn't stop me from cherishing every opportunity to be close to her, if only for a fleeting moment. As she drew nearer, a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips, betraying the warmth and affection I felt for her.

"Hi, baby," I whispered, a soft smile playing on my lips.

"Have I told you how much I love that you call me like that?" Gracie smiled, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Baby?" I whispered again, barely audible over the soft music of the bar. Gracie's reaction was instantaneous; a shy blush spread across her cheeks, and a sweet smile played at the corners of her lips. Seeing her response, my heart swelled with affection, knowing that such a simple term of endearment could evoke such a tender reaction from her.

She nodded, her eyes softening with warmth. "I've missed you," she confessed.

"Me too. I wish we could escape for a while," I replied, really longing for a moment of peace and solitude together.

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