019 After party

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019 After party

TW: mentions of substance abuse‼️

After the awkward encounter with Gracie's parents, Leon and Olivia dragged us to a LA club. I was hopeful that Gracie would decline and we could just go back home, but she insisted on celebrating the success of the concert. Even Jack and Katie joined us, eager to have a good time. However, I wasn't in the mood for partying after what I overheard earlier. I knew I shouldn't have been eavesdropping, but Gracie knew I was there, and yet she didn't do anything to make her parents quiet down.

Why would they think I'm not a good option, it felt like hitting a brick wall. Maybe they had their reasons, but it sure didn't make me feel welcome.

And as for how they sniffed out something brewing between Gracie and me, it baffled me. We kept things low-key, or so we thought. Yet, it seemed like her parents had radar for romance. Whether it was a stolen glance or a subtle touch, they caught on quicker than we could blink. I know despite their meddling, our feelings are deepened.

Sure, it was a pain tiptoeing around them, but when you're head over heels, you roll with the punches. Love's a funny thing, isn't it? It doesn't care about nosy in-laws or awkward interruptions. It just keeps on beating, no matter what.

After overhearing the conversation in Gracie's dressing room, I decided to take a step back. I didn't want to face their parents' scrutinizing gazes or deal with the awkwardness every time Mark was brought up. Gracie noticed my distance, but I brushed it off, telling her I was just keeping my distance to avoid any gossip. With Cara already knowing, I didn't want Aurora or Jack to find out and make things even more complicated.

As we arrived at the club, the pulsating energy hit me like a wave. The place was packed, with bodies swaying to the music and laughter filling the air.

According to Leon, this was the hottest spot in LA, frequented by celebrities and socialites alike. But tonight, I didn't expect to see any famous faces. It was a Thursday, after all—typically a quieter night for outings.

Gracie and Olivia went to grab some drinks and settled at a table near the bar. Meanwhile, Leon, Mark, and Jack were discussing playing pool on the second floor of the club. Johnny, Aurora, Cara, and Katie joined Gracie and Liv, but I opted out. Instead, I knew what I needed—a fucking drink. It's true that I've been drinking more than usual, but in moments like these, when I feel like shit, a refreshing drink just hits the spot.

I ordered a vodka soda, stealing a glance at Gracie who smiled beautifully at me, sending my heart into a flutter. She gestured for me to join them, but I shook my head. As the speakers blasted a catchy dance tune, I noticed some eyes on me. A guy in a black jacket with a buzz cut and a slightly trimmed beard was smiling at me, raising his glass and tilting his head in acknowledgment.

Dead and Gone by Drama

I approached him, sensing a familiarity in his features, but I couldn't quite place where I'd seen him before. Gracie noticed me heading towards him and furrowed her brows, exchanging a few whispers with Olivia, who then glanced in my direction.

"Why is Cassie Wright alone in a bar on a hot Thursday?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I chuckled. "I'd ask you the same, but I don't recall your name,"

He offered his hand. "Leighton Novak, a pleasure to see you again,"

"Oh, yeah, the 'Famous in Love' guy. I love that show, you did amazing," I said, shaking his hand.

Water Under The Bridge • Gracie Abrams Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora