016 Hometown

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016 Hometown

Los Angeles one of my favorite places in the world. The city buzzes with energy, blending people and cultures from all walks of life. It's a place where you can find something new around every corner, from the glitz of Hollywood to the vibrant art and music scenes.

The beaches offer a peaceful escape, where soft, golden sands meet the soothing sounds of the waves. The warm air feels like a permanent summer, inviting you to relax and explore. Whether you're soaking up the sun on Venice Beach or watching the sun dip into the Pacific, L.A. is a city full of adventure and charm.

This was everyone's hometown, except for Mark, Leon, Kate, and me. The heat of California's streets welcomed us with open arms as we arrived just an hour ago for Gracie's show. Despite the excitement in the air, I couldn't shake off my nerves about Gracie talking to her parents. All I wanted was to be there for her, to reassure her that everything would be fine. But I knew I shouldn't.

Everyone was engaged in their conversations, the anticipation palpable. The sound team was hard at work, fine-tuning their setup for the show, I couldn't help but steal glances at Gracie, hoping she knew I was there for her, no matter what.

"This Dr Pepper tastes rusty," Leon complained as he sat next to me.

I couldn't help but chuckle, shaking my head. "That's because Dr Pepper it's just disgusting,"

Leon made a face, clearly not impressed. "Yeah, well, you can't have an opinion, your taste it's not the best."

I gave him a fake smile and playfully punched him in the arm. Leon yelled in exaggerated pain, then tried to punch me back. Our silly scuffle caught the attention of everyone around us, and they all started laughing at our childish antics.

"Stop," Jack said with a shake of his head. "Sometimes I forget you guys are still really young."

Leon and I glanced at each other, sharing a smirk. "We're just keeping things lively," Leon replied, "so, Gracie who is coming today,?" He glanced at the girl who was playing with Olivia's hair.

"Uh, just my parents and brothers," Gracie muttered with a smile.

"That sounds perfect," Katie said, giving her an encouraging smile. "It'll be nice to have them here for your show."

I hoped her family would be supportive and that the night would go smoothly for her, also because we knew this could go incredibly wrong or incredibly good.

Gracie then turned to Mark. "Are you guys performing the unreleased song tonight?" she asked.

Mark paused for a moment. "Yeah, we decided to go for clouds," he replied with a grin. "It's a bit of a risk, but we're hoping the crowd will love it."

Gracie nodded. "That's awesome, I'm sure the crowd will be blown away,"

Mark smiled and tilted his head, locking eyes with Gracie. We could all sense the undeniable tension between them. A pang of jealousy stirred within me, though I knew better than to let it take hold. Mark loves her, and I do too—how could anyone not? The silence lingered, stretching into an awkward pause until Jack broke it.

"Are you two back?" Jack asked, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity as he adjusted his collar.

Katie's eyes widened in surprise as she slapped Jack's arm. "Jack!" she exclaimed.

"I'm just asking!" Jack said, throwing up his arms in defense.

"Yeah, are you guys back together?" Cara teased, playfully running her tongue along her teeth.

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