Chapter 16 "Boring day" (C.T's POV)

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I felt my eyes adjusting to a nearly shadowed room, a single candle sitting on a table held the darkness at bay as I regained my upper posture and saw a cookie with black hair with one white streak and dressed in rags, I shrieked and flung a pillow at him in panic - he caught it and pushed his hood off, I recognised him. "Foster dad?" My breath was gone and I was frantically asking myself: 'Am I dreaming?!' 'Is he actually alive!?'. "Looks like someone's awake." He replied with a smirk, my eyes glittered with tears as I watched him sit down on the edge of the bed, smiling warmly at me, I leapt forward and clawed my arms around his shoulders and back, I could feel his hands hugging me tightly while I cried; "I was looking for you! I thought you were dead!" I said in sorrowful-happiness, my face heated up in joy while I finally heard his light chuckle for the first time in forever - He passed me a handmade mug of tea and listened closely as I told him everything I saw whilst on a quest to find him, his face focused on me as I was about to tell him about when I was imprisoned in the dark Cacao castle's dungeon when a cookie didn't recognise before came in. "Ah, Caramel Toffee, this is Caramel Arrow cookie, she's. . . My friend." He muttered to me, the cookie he mentioned, 'Caramel Arrow cookie' on the edge of my bed and smiled at me as warm as the sunshine, she was pretty but she had a little scar on her cheek like she cut it on something, I ignored it after sometime and just stared into space at her. I don't know why but in that moment I felt threatened by her presence, like I knew from the beginning she would be a bad guy in a facade of a trustworthy cookie "Hello Caramel Toffee, your foster-dad has told me so many good things about you - I'm sure we can be friends, right?" The cookie held her hand out to me like in a handshake, it took me sometime before I managed to pry one of my hands to shake hers, although it was so she could trust me and therefore I could discreetly stalk her and find out her evil scheme for us to endure; both her and Dark choco began telling me everything they did: snow fights, chatting about childhood stuff and other things I'm not bothered to dig into, it'll be too long. Eventually they both left my room after giving me some dinner on a nightstand next to me, saying they were going to talk about something I shouldn't hear, I dread to think what it was and just distracted myself as I ate my dinner with making up riddles for Foster Dad to crack - I could still hear Foster Dad and Caramel Arrow talking in hushed tones but I didn't care, afterall, anything Foster Dad said to me that involved important things always seemed very boring to me, like the time he told me that knowing when to calm down when I'm too hyperactive felt so tedious and time-consuming. When I stopped hearing them, I took the handmade plate and tried to stand but nearly dropped the plate as I crumbled to my kneecap, shit, I must've broken it or sprained it! I took a deep breath and got back onto my bed, mumbling irritatingly as I crossed my arms and did my best to cope with the constant pounding on my nose, every now and then my nose would pound in discomfort like I hit it hard on something - it was until Dark Choco came in to wish me goodnight when I got into my covers with his help, he asked me if I was okay and I told him everything I could feel right now; he said the pounding and the possible-broken leg would be there for a while but it would stop eventually, that gave me a warm smirk and I yawned before he gave me a gentle peck on the forehead like he did every night when I was going to bed. "Goodnight Sweetie, see you in the morning. ." He whispered gently before closing the door, leaving me in darkness to fall under the spell of slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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Strawberry jam sword and Boba tea [Dark choco cookie x Caramel Arrow cookie]Where stories live. Discover now