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Hello! Thank you for reaching the epilogue. I hope you enjoyed this roller coaster ride of Rana's story. See you on the 3rd installment of the series!


There is a lot of signs in life that fate has been telling us ever since but we chose to ignore it for our own peace of minds. That's why we regret our decisions in the end. We regret how we made our choices without finding out the mysteries behind the signs that can give us different pathways to life.

It is cliche to say this but our actions have great consequences that can shape our past, can make us suffer in the present, and can affect our future. I can't believe how I found out the life I had in the past in the hard way, and how it affects me in the present. How the boring classes on a minor subject I took in college could actually help me understand my well being. From the philosophical belief that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions can actually happen to a normal person like me. Everything seems like a dream, a terrible painful dream that I will never forget as long as I'm breathing.

I stared at my father who is now looking at me with tears in his eyes. As if he'd seen a miracle happen right in front of his eyes. I blink once, twice, until I can finally clear my vision from all the tears clouding my eyes. I can feel the peaceful flow of oxygen by the small hoses inside the mask attached in my face. I couldn't hear anything at first but after awhile, noises from a repeating beeping machine beside me started to welcome my ears.

"Call the doctors Trence!" I heard the familiar baritone voice of my father enveloping the whole room. He held my right which is now attached with multiple needles connecting to I don't know what.

"Anak, I'm here. Daddy is here."

I'm alive. But as Rana, as the future of Zohana.

I don't know how it happened. Ang buong akala ko ay wala na akong pagkakataong makasama ang Daddy ko. I grieved my own death before, thinking I will be stuck in Aenriah for the rest of my life. Yes, I would love that idea. But that was too late. As I spent my days regaining my strength from my almost a week of comatose brain, I'm starting to realize there will be no way for me to go back in Aenriah. I don't know how, and as I spent my days grieving over the people I can no longer see, I didn't notice how my life goes on.

With the grief, loneliness, and sadness that keeps me awake at night. With a hopeful heart that I will wake up once again as Soheila. That one day, I will be able to find out what happened to Portia, Edzel, and everyone.

My father was confused whenever he sees me crying at night while looking at the night sky. He couldn't bring himself to ask what's wrong but I know it pains him too. Nabigyan pa nga ako ng pangalan sa hospital na weeping ghost lady dahil sa mga pasyenteng nakakarinig ng ilang pagtangis ko.

My life went on like that for years. All I ever did is to cry, eat, study, sleep, and repeat. I lost my interest in socializing, on going out in a familiar yet unfamiliar environment. I was a walking corpse for years and no one knows why. But just like what they said, time heals deep wounds. Because after I graduated in college, I didn't noticed I'm starting to live again. I managed to push myself to move on, to live my life as Svetrana since this is my original life.

But as my life continues to grow, my memories from Aenriah are starting to fade. I can no longer remember Portia's smile, the sound of Mishka's giggles, I cannot visualize what Edzel used to look whenever he tries to annoy me, the twins laughter. Even some moments I am sure that happened before, I can now only recall some blurry images that I am not sure what it is. They're now starting to disappear in my memories, I guess it is because of Kiranaya. I cannot live in this life with a knowledge of the magical realm. My memories are needed to disappear in order to bring the balance of the world I live in and the world I am no longer part of.

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