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Day 4 at castle (last day)

You were heavily sleeping until Hanji viciously shook you awake.

"Y/N! Y/N, wake up!" Hanji yelled.

You quickly shot up. "Huh! Wha! What happened!"

"Nothing. I just wanted you to wake up." Hanji said smiling.

You glared at her. "You woke me up for nothing, then."

Hanji looked out the window. "Well, actually, I wanted to ask you if you would like to do experiments with me on a 4-meter class Titan we caught a few days ago."


"Really?" Hanji's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, why not." You slumped back into your bed and covered yourself with the bed sheet. "Just give me five more minutes."

Hanji started acting like a mother. "Nope. Up, up, up, Y/N! You accepted this and now your doing this!" She yanked the covers and pulled you out of bed. She opened the door and kept pulling you out.

"Ack! Hanji, wait! I'm in my underwear!" You had a F/C tank top on and only your underwear on the bottom.

By the time Hanji stopped pulling you, it was too late. You were out in the hallway with your underwear on. Two people saw you: Armin and Levi.

The two men blushed at you. Armin turned around but Levi stared at you for a bit until he realized he was starring. You tried to cover yourself and crawled back into your shared room to change. Hanji smirked at Levi.


When you changed into your uniform with your 3DMG, you went outside to meet up with Hanji. She waited impatiently for you to get dressed so she can begin the experimenting.

"Y/N! Your finally here! Come, let's start!" Hanji said as she pulled your arm like she did in the morning.

She pulled you in to a closed in area with other soldiers and a Titan.

The closest you've been to a Titan was Eren. You weren't afraid of Titans, but dying from one was what you were afraid of.

"You caught that?" You said. You pointed to the 4-meter class Titan.

Hanji clapped. "Yes! Well, with help of other cadets. It's a 4-meter class, so it's pretty small."

"Oh." Was all you said.

Hanji walked towards it and told it a story about a man who would capture people who would disturb him and slaughter them, leaving no trace of the innocent lives.

"I shall name you after the same man who committed the crimes. Your name will be Paul." She said with a pointed index finger at the Titan now named Paul.

The Titan just stood there, staring and huffing.

"Come now, Y/N! Lets begin!" Hanji said. She started patting Paul's leg.

"Last time, the names were Sawney and Bean." A soldier whispered to another soldier.

Hanji spun around. "Don't talk about Sawney and Bean!" She said angrily.

She got to the experiments right away after that.


Grabbing your sketchbook, you left to meet Levi by the field.

"Tch, you're late." Levi said. He was sitting cross legged on a bench.

"At least I came." You said.

"Don't act like that." He said menacingly. He then stood up. "Well, lets go."

"Where?" You asked.

"Just follow me and don't ask questions." He said. He carried a, small, rolled up blanket with him.

You followed him as he said.

He stopped at the open field and unrolled his blanket. The blanket looked so clean and placed it on the grass. He laid down on it.

"Why didn't you just lay on the grass without the blanket?" You asked.

"This grass could be dirty and filled with bugs." He said.

"If you say so." You said as you laid down on the grass next to him, crossing your arms at the back if your head. "Why are we here?"

"Shut up, you ask to many questions. Can't you just relax for a while looking at the sunset. Now, draw it." He said.


He turned his head to yours. "The sunset looks good in this area. I thought you would find it nice."

You smiled. "It does look nice."

You took out your sketchbook and began to draw the beautiful sunset. After a while, you finished it and it looked so realistic that you imagined people running around freely in a world without worries or Titans.

'Soon. Someday it will happen.' You thought.

Levi was looking at the sky. "I'm sorry about this morning."

You placed your finished work down. "Huh?"

"You know, Hanji pulling you out of the room." He said slowly.

"Oh, yeah. It's ok, Hanji didn't know you were out there. I mean, it could have been a worse situation." You said a bit embarrassed.

Levi never really moved from his position he was in. You took an opportunity to draw his face while he was still.

"What are you doing." Levi asked annoyed.

"Hold still, I'm drawing your face." You said.


"You ask to many questions." You said mimicking him. You laughed after saying that.

Levi gave you a slightly evil glare.

You laughed slower. "Sorry."

He looked back up at the sky and you continued to draw him.

"Done!" You exclaimed.

Levi sat up. "Let me see it."

You happily showed him. His face looked exactly like him.

"I'm impressed. Good job. You have a wonderful talent." He said.

"Thanks!" You said. You hugged him.

He returned the hug and, again, quickly pushed away.

"I better get going." You got up and stretched. "See you later, Levi!" You smiled and waved goodbye.

Levi watched you leave. "You know, your cute when you smile."

You, turned around, blushed, and walked away.

'He said I'm cute....' You thought to yourself as you smiled.

I'll Protect You: Levi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now