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Morning sunshine bled through your window. It hit your eyes and you put your arm aver them to cover up the sun's rays. You gave up after a few minutes and started to get ready. You yawned and stretched your arms up.

You started to get your shirt, pants, belts, jacket, and other necessary gear you needed for the day. Instead of trying to find a clean shirt from wherever they were on the floor, you went to a drawer and took out a neatly folded one. Same goes for the other clothes.

Since Levi cleaned your room last night, it was indeed cleaner and neater. The smell of it was better, too.

'Wait... he cleaned my room. Does that mean he saw everything I left on the floor?' You thought as you frantically thought of what you left on the floor. You tried to remember everything. 'Let's see. There was shirts, pants, papers, pencils, messed up drawings, shoes, and... my bras... damn it.' You went to where you stored your bras and found them neatly put away. Your cheeks flushed.

You slowly left your room and went out to breakfast. When you arrived, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa were waiting for you.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Armin waved his hand at you. Eren instantly picked up his head and to look at you.

You waved back at the group. "Good morning!" You sat down with them.

Mikasa handed you some bread. "Here. I managed to grab some bread before Sasha could get it."

You grabbed the bread and happily took a bite. "Thanks, Mikasa!" You said with a fill mouth.

"I saw Levi in your room last night. What was that about?" Mikasa asked.

"What!" Eren yelled. Everyone in the room stared at Eren. "Sorry, everyone."

You placed your bread down with red cheeks. "He just cleaned my room. Nothing happened, so don't freak out."

Eren sighed with relief.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" Armin said with a rising tone.

"Yes, Im sure nothing happened."

Eren joined in on the conversation. "Are you one hundred percent sure he didn't do anything? Because if he did, call me so I can beat the life out of him."

"Really? Well, Levi is behind you, listening to you." You said with crossed arms.

Eren immediately turned around with wide eyes. He looked around to find Levi, but he was no where in sight. Eren turned back around to you. "I hate you, Y/N." He tried reaching over to you to try to playfully punch you, but he fell on top of the table, causing his foot to kick the person behind him on accident.

The person kicked was surprised and spilled soup all over his shirt and pants making it look like he pissed himself. The person shirted his view to Eren, full of anger, and stood up. "Jäger! You did this on purpose, didn't you!" The person was non other than Jean.

Eren stood up defensively with him. "I didn't do it on purpose, Horse Face! Don't jump to conslusions!"

Jean grabbed Connie's soggy looking food and tried to throw it at Eren. Eren moved instinctively over and the bowl of mush landed across the room and landing on someone else's head.

"Who the hell threw food at Krista!" Ymir said loudly. With that, everyone else in the room became quiet and stared at them. Ymir came up to Jean, grabbed some mashed potatoes, and smeared them all over Jean's face. After she was done, she gave him and Eren a hard punch to the nose. "I'll fucking kill you two!" Mikasa glared at Ymir and swung a fist at her.

I'll Protect You: Levi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now