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Levi spent the night with you to make sure nothing bad happened to you. He made your final days fun in the infirmary and kept your spirits high. Never again did he bring up his confession again, not knowing if you listened or not. He wished he could have the guts to tell you again but this time to make sure you knew, to hold you, to kiss you without hesitation.

"Thank you, Levi," you grabbed your shoes and tied up your hair, "You made these last few days fun and I learned a bit more about you."

Levi held open the door, "Same goes for you."

You felt better than ever, as if you were never sick in the first place. You were back to your bouncy, bubbly self again.

Levi walked you to the front door of your room.  "I have a gift for you, Y/N. It's inside your room." He unlocked your door and put his hands over your eyes, "It's a surprise, so let me guide you inside."

You trusted him as he wakes you inside your room. The scent in your room was fresh, meaning Levi was in here still keeping your room clean even though there was no one inside to make a mess in the first place. Of course. He made you sit down on your bed and you heard the wrinkle of paper.

"Open your eyes, Y/N."

You opened your eyes and saw Levi holding a bouquet of fresh red roses. They were fully bloomed and brought in color to the dull monotone shade in your room. You stood up and Levi handed you the roses.

"Levi... they're beautiful..." you took a deep smell of the roses and held the bouquet close to your chest with one hand and hugged him with the other. "Thank you."

Levi stiffened at the sudden hug but gave in to the hug and returned the gesture. "You're welcome."

You held onto the hug for a few more seconds and looked into his eyes. Being this close to him, you could see a bit of silver inside his dark eyes.

Levi let go and cleared his throat. "I have to get going now, Y/N. I'll see you at diner tonight with the rest of the cadets." He started to walk out but stopped at the doorway to take one last look at you and waved goodbye.

- - -

A woman runs as fast as she can, limping toward the small crawl-able hole in wall Rose. She's bleeding severely and can barely hold herself up any longer. Her tears making her vision even blurry than it was.

She makes it through the small hole and cries out for help. "Help me! Somebody! Please!" She falls to the floor already too weak to move any more forward. "Help..."

A Garrison soldier patrolling the area saw the woman on the floor and ran towards her. He couldn't believe his eyes. The woman's face was all bruised up, her eyes swollen, cuts and burns all over her body, and an awful smell of urine radiating off her.

"Ma'am what happened?" He asked her as he tried to help her up.

She was to weak to speak. "I was... they..." She pointed to the hole in the wall.

"You came from... outside wall Rose? Impossible! It's filled with titans, how did you get through without being killed?"

Before the woman could answer she passed out. The guard shot a flare for assistance and two more men came down.

"What's the matter?" One said.

"This woman came through that hole. She came from the outside all beat up and made it without being eaten by titans."

The two backup men gasped.

"We have to bring her to urgent care and inform Commander Pixis about this situation." The other soldier said.

- - -
"He brought you flowers?" Mikasa said surprised.

You nodded and hugged your bouquet again. "I know right! I was shocked when he gave them to me." You took another smell of the roses and gently put them back in the vase.

"He even cleaned your room."

"I'm still embarrassed by that." You said.

"To think he would do all of this, you'd think he loves you." Mikasa said with a smile.

You blushed. "Y-you think so?"

"I mean why else would he do all this? He doesn't treat anyone else like he treats you."

You stayed silent and thought about what she said. "Should I confess? Or is it too risky."

Mikasa sat closer to you and softly placed her hand on your back. "Life is short, go for it. If that's what your heart says then follow it."

"I guess..."

Suddenly, Eren and Armin came into your room. The opened the door without knocking and almost broke it.

"Captain Levi is having a meeting with Erwin and he wants us to join him!" Eren spoke with a fast tone.

You and Mikasa looked at each other, wondering what the sudden meeting is about.

A/N: I'm sorry this is short but I wanted to post something after not updating in almost a year (I think). A fresh new arc is starting, and it's gonna be an interesting one hehe

BUT In other news I'm back! For sure this time <3 life just got a bit hard but it's all sorted out now!

If y'all still read this I love you

I'll Protect You: Levi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now