Almost every half a second, he looked up to confirm the time. Now the clock in the room was pointing to 1:40 in the morning. In 20 minutes, the so-called trial scene was about to begin...

Xiao Wang put his hand to his mouth and nervously bit the nails that had become unshaped around the edges. The other hand scratched at his head that had very few hairs left at a very fast frequency. The second rang through the quiet guest room and amplified his fear infinitely.

Why... why was he assigned the role of 'victim'? Why was everyone here to clear the instances and achieve their wish and they were lucky, while he was just a little cannon fodder to be killed? The murderer could even get the favorability of the dream god for it...

In addition, the other party was a noisy and self-righteous anchor and a little blind man born with a good-looking face who could attract the attention of girls wherever he went! Why should he use his own life as a price to let these people he disliked increase their favorability and realize their wish? Didn't he deserve to have a wish? Didn't he deserve to live in this Nightmare World?

It wasn't easy to come to this world and he just wanted to make himself a bit more popular. He didn't want to be disliked by girls, thought of as a bald man and his name always forgotten... was this too excessive? Why did he need to win the things that other people were born with by risking his life? He even made a wedding dress for others...

He wasn't willing. It wasn't fair.

As time passed, Xiao Wang's facial expression became distorted due to fear and unwillingness. He was surrounded by chaotic voices and emotions. He curled up helplessly and panicked in a corner of the guest room, his eyes wide with horror.

It couldn't go on like this... he couldn't make it cheaper for these people...

His nails were gnawed until he reached flesh and the scalp he scratched oozed blood. Due to the pain, Xiao Wang regained a bit of consciousness. Then he noticed that on his system interface, the 'awakening' value was as high as 96.

He was suddenly shocked. Cheng Xu had said that the higher the awakening value, the more dangerous it was. Once it reached 90 or above, he would lose his sense of direction, judgment and desire to survive. If it reached 100...

It was a lie, it must be a lie. Xiao Wang thought he was sober now and wanted to live more than ever!

[Warning. Sleepwalker 'Xiao Wang', please note that your awakening value has reached 97.]

[Warning. Sleepwalker 'Xiao Wang', please note that your awakening value has reached 98.]

"F*king shut up!" Xiao Wang picked up the knife in his hand and slashed fiercely at the voice. The system interface only flashed a few times and the inorganic voice still spoke without any obstacles.

[Serious warning. Sleepwalker 'Xiao Wang', please note that your awakening value has reached 99.]

"Get lost!"

Xiao Wang stopped shaking. His eyes were red as he gripped the knife in his hand and opened the locked guest room door. He was a sleepwalker. He couldn't sit still and wait to be killed by others. Compared with an uncertain death, counter-killing the 'murderer' Hei Cha was obviously more enjoyable!

He didn't like this little anchor who kept chattering everywhere. Didn't the script say that the bloodier the murder scene, the better? He would just use this knife to cut the flesh of the two men. It must feel very refreshing.

The chandeliers in the villa had been turned off and only the nine wall lamps were faintly lit. The dim light cut the corridor's guardrails to pieces.

Xiao Wang was holding the boning knife. He didn't know if it was a side effect of the high awakening value but he felt that the soles of his feet were a bit buoyant and his steps had become slow. In order to walk steadily, he could only stab his boning knife against the wall one at a time as he walked with difficulty along the broken light through the corridor.

After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle (Unlimited Flow)Where stories live. Discover now